Transfer MP3 file from Mac OS Catalina to iPhone iOS 14.0
posted in Other on 2020-09-18 mp3 catalina iphone ios14 mac transfer -
I did transfer MP3 files from my mac to my iPhone three times and every time I'm forgetting how it actually works. So I decided to document the process into a blog post.
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React: 50 shades of state
posted in JavaScript on 2020-07-21 react state management form components button viewmore compound state component theme onchange application state feature state data client text span const -
We all know that one of the most challenging task in software development is state management. This is especially true for the JavaScript world. There are thousands of articles on this topic and so I decided to write another one 😁. I wanted to share my current thoughts on the different state types. I found that answering "What lives where?" question is far more important than the actual state management. Which more or less is an implementation detail.
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Recreating Facebook's Recoil library
posted in JavaScript on 2020-07-12 recoil facebook state management mycoil facebook s recoil counter atoms atom component library formattedcountervalue selector key function javascript subscribers hook const return -
This weekend I decided to play with the new kid on the block - Facebook's Recoil library for managing state. I did the trivial counter example to see how it works. It's pretty simple idea so I wondered how much it takes to replicate its features. I found the exact answer - 70 lines of code. Obviously, my implementation didn't cover everything but it was fun so I decided to share my findings.
(A side note: I did not look at the code of Recoil. I didn't want to be bias on how to write my version.)
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Create your own Covid-19 data tracker
posted in JavaScript on 2020-03-30 covid-19 tracker virus api zeit covid https data github data tracker thevirustracker time johns hopkins university code back end endpoints react created recharts beginning tags tag link countries package sh https c19stats -
I'm continuing to experiment with React and TypeScript. The weekend-long project this time was a Covid-19 data tracker. In this blog post I will share how I built c19stats.now.sh. I exposed the data as a public API at the same URL. I guess you, as many other people, follow the situation so you may want to glue your fingers on the keyboard and create something useful around the data. I got lots of fun playing with the diagrams.
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Pairify - how to match balanced string pairs
posted in JavaScript on 2020-03-11 pairify balanced matches javascript pairs decided type stack line starter token code const position function category https -
I'm now actively working on a VSCode extension. I started it as a theme but then decided to add some more features. Like for example a tin line on the left side of the editor marking the current function scope. In order to do that I had to analyze the current file's code and find the lines that are included in that scope. The obvious approach will be to translate the code to AST and then traverse the tree finding the information that I need. This however will require the usage of a language server which now I don't want to deal with. So I decided to explore a brute force approach. Looping over the string characters and finding balanced matches. I quickly wrapped it into a library. I called it Pairify. It consumes text and returns an array of pairs. This blog post will show you how it works.
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From 0 to 100 GitHub stars in a week
posted in JavaScript on 2020-02-27 github stars project branding promote octomments krasimir write idea https github blog align center don t easy section add https post link javascript reddit facebook make time -
2020 for me started with the release of several OS projects. Two of them reached 100 stars in a week and I was thinking that would be nice sharing my workflow. Not like it is working every time, absolutely not, but leads to some good results.
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Webpack/TypeScript/React starter kit as of 2020
posted in JavaScript on 2020-02-23 webpack typescript starter react eslint beginning krasimir beginning npm run watch components app tsx src components app beginning https github -
I just started using TypeScript. I did couple of React projects and noticed a pattern in the setup. I decided to export that to a starter kit 👉 beginning. It is based on Webpack with Babel and TypeScript loader.
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VSCode go to definition/implementation fixed
posted in JavaScript on 2020-01-17 vscode typescript intellisense problem implementation working common fixed definition -
I just spent ~2 hours on this and I had to blog about it. I bet I will come back to the same problem and it will be nice to have a quick solution at hand. And the problem that I'm talking about is the non working
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orGo to implementation
feature of VSCode. Or in other words the JavaScript IntelliSense was not working for me. Of course it was annoying because I had to navigate to files manually via the folder tree on the left or typing the name of the file in the Cmd+Shift+P popup.
Running Prettier for specific Git branch
posted in Architecture on 2020-01-14 prettier git bash script branch file awk print echo file awk run prettier line column file mode files project -
I'm working on a project in my own git branch. At the end of my working day I want to do one thing - run Prettier so my code is nicely formatted before I submit the PR for code review. Of course I know about the VSCode Prettier extension but right now my editor is kinda broken and I don't want to mess with it. I'm still on my branch and I run Prettier from the terminal. All good but the amount of changes that happened is so big that my 50+ loc updates are like a needle in a haystack. It is like that because apparently there are already malformatted files in the project. It is definitely not possible to understand what I did because of so much noise. So ... I want to run Prettier but only on the files that I touched in that particular branch.
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My new and shiny tool for live demos - Demoit
posted in JavaScript on 2018-11-05 demoit resources live coding code demo tool css files tools writing don t -
I had some time during the weekend and decided to work on my slides for an event at the end of the month. I reached the part where I have to do a live coding session and I was wondering what tool to use. At the end I created my own called Demoit. This is a short article explaining how it works.
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NADCAST.15 live recorded at React.NotAConf
posted in NADCAST on 2018-05-09 https twitter react nadcast https www youtube http nadcast krasimirtsonev mp3 http nadcast live recorded -
Episode #15 of NADCAST was live recorded at ReactNotAConf conference in Sofia on 28th of April. After every presentation we've made a panel with the speaker and ask topic related questions. So, if you listen the whole episode you'll get a pretty good overview of what the conference was about.
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NADCAST.09 с Радо Станков
posted in NADCAST on 2017-10-23 link react https facebook license nadcast graphql http state facebook event link -
Епизод 9 на NADCAST е с Радо Станков. Основно си поговорихме за React и нашумелите около библиотеката теми. Приятно слушане :)
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README driven development
posted in Architecture on 2017-09-06 library readme driven development api code writing make documentation started helped -
I was doing a podcast episode with Kent C. Dodds when he mentioned README-driven development. And so I decided to try it out with a new library which I just started. Here’s what I found.
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Surviving the Web
posted in Must-see on 2017-03-03 smashfind links time cool places popular stuff twitter web read -
I'm a proud father of two and programmer for more then 15 years. My kids are small so I'm really into parenting right now. A bit of a problem for me is to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies in the Web. I really love my job but I just don't have enough time to look after all these frameworks, libraries or tools. I used to read Twitter, monitor RSS feeds and spend hours reading Reddit or Medium. However, no time for that anymore.
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Children in JSX
posted in JavaScript on 2017-01-06 todo header component return props children function todos classname todolist title -
(This article is part of React in patterns series.)
React is highly composable. And the API that enables that is
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. It gives us the power to create a placeholder that is later filled with content from the outside.
React and third-party libraries
posted in JavaScript on 2016-11-27 react tags tag render list jquery plugin extends react component props -
React is probably one of the best choices for building UI. Good design, support and community. However, there are cases where we want to use an external service or we want to integrate something completely different. We all know that React works heavily with the actual DOM and basically controls what’s rendered on the screen. That’s why integrating of third-party components could be tricky. In this article we will see how to mix React and jQuery’s UI plugin and do it safely.
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The bare minimum to work with React
posted in JavaScript on 2016-06-13 react app function file babelrc return babelify browserify render superclass -
The setup here is available at GitHub here.
Half an year ago I published A modern React starter pack based on webpack. The starter provides the basic tooling around React. However, I noticed that very often I need even less stuff than that. That’s usually when I want to hack something quickly. In this blog post we’ll see what’s the bare minimum to work with React.
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Debugging with Node
posted in Nodejs on 2016-03-22 debugger step node text function program line run counter command -
Node has a wonderful debugger. As a front-end developer I’m mainly using Chrome’s tools but sometimes I run things in Node environment and this native feature comes handy. In this article we’ll see how to debug in the terminal using Node’s debugger.
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Start your own JavaScript library using webpack and ES6
posted in JavaScript on 2015-12-30 library js webpack babel true var file module exports eslint function build -
Two months ago I published a starter pack for React based on webpack. Today I found out that I need almost the same thing but without the React bit. This simplifies the setup but there are still some tricky parts. So, I made a brand new repository webpack-library-starter and placed all the stuff that we need for creating a JavaScript library.
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CSSSteal - Chrome extension that extracts CSS
posted in CSS3 on 2015-09-17 css styles var section el small li element rules -
We had to update some of our old pages adding new elements. This means mixing old and new code. Placing HTML markup and JavaScript in legacy pages is not that difficult. Yes, it brings some issues but they are easily solvable. However, the CSS is a whole new story. That’s why I did CSSSteal. It helps me extract the needed styles.
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Merry Front-End Christmas
posted in Must-see on 2014-12-24 making talk ll capabilities technologies make language testing big -
Christmas is just around the corner. I thought that I should post something. Recently I watchedvideos from two big front-end conferences. So, here is my present for you. A few talks that I think worth attention.
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Feeding the beast at 60fps
posted in JavaScript on 2014-07-23 li data browser function var processed code list time -
The browsers nowadays are smart. They optimize everything and help us to produce better applications. They process our code as fast as possible and even on mobile devices deliver a pleasant experience. However, at the same time, it is possible to write buggy code and make the browser freezing. We are not talking about slowing down the rendering. We are talking about no rendering at all. There are cases where we want so much from the browser that it just can’t handle it.
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Usersnap - the holy grail of bug reporting
posted in Must-see on 2014-07-15 usersnap data xmlhttp json function script project client s page -
The bug reporting is something very important for us. As developers, we produce code that should work everywhere. Not only on our machines. No matter how many times we test our application it often happens that it does not work properly for the client. We all know how helpful is an email with text “It does not work. Fix it ASAP!”. Usersnap is amazing tool that removes the gap between you (the developer) and the non-techy guy from the other side.
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Packt Publishing celebrates 10 years with a special $10 offer
posted in Must-see on 2014-07-01 packt publishing book offer years -
It has been 10 years since Packt Publishing embarked on its mission to deliver effective learning and information services to IT professionals. In that time, it has published over 2000 titles and helped projects become household names, awarding over $400,000 through its Open Source Project Royalty Scheme.
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Hungry for knowledge #2 - the Sunday's talks collection
posted in Must-see on 2014-06-29 thinking digital web conference talk videos lie thinking digital aral balkan free sites -
It's again Sunday and I'm planning to watch talks. Last week few conferences shared their recordings. I got some nice videos from Twitter and again my bookmarks bar is full with YouTube and Vimeo links. So, it's time to clear it a bit and make room for the next weekend. Here is my plan:
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"Help, I'm stuck in an event-loop" by Philip Roberts
posted in Must-see on 2014-06-22 event loop javascript philip roberts m stuck words -
Us JavaScript programmers like to use words like, "event-loop", "non-blocking", "callback", "asynchronous", "single-threaded" and "concurrency". We say things like "don't block the event loop", "make sure your code runs at 60 frames-per-second", "well of course, it won't work, that function is an asynchronous callback!".
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Stop autoplaying your Gifs
posted in JavaScript on 2014-06-19 gifffer image library page gifffer min js animated gif -
This blog has 460 posts. In some of them, I need to show video clips demonstrating some feature or browser behaviour. I found that it was much better to do that in an animated Gif. However, they play automatically which is kinda annoying. Imagine that we have ten Gifs on the page and while you are reading they all blink or show moving content. It's like having a page full with banners.
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Codefront.io is around the corner
posted in Must-see on 2014-04-25 developer open io front end css javascript talk speakers interesting conference linz -
There are only two weeks left before the international front-end conference in Linz - Codefront.io. It's organized by the guys from WebBox and it's scheduled for 10th of May. You still have a chance to buy a ticket and listen interesting talks about our lovely Web.
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Look ma, JavaScript only Off-Canvas menu
posted in JavaScript on 2014-03-25 menu content css links function html position absurdjs isopen -
The off-canvas menu is pretty popular nowadays. You know, the little button in the right upper corner which opens the navigation with a slide-in effect. That's what we are going to build in this article. The interesting things is that we are not going to use CSS neither HTML, only JavaScript.
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Simple, good looking separator made with pure CSS
posted in CSS3 on 2014-02-12 jsbin translate 95px 12px transform translate 95px line small link top solid 1px border top solid block border top display block border content display block -
I'm currently working on the official site of AbsurdJS. There are a lot of code samples out there and I wanted to present them in JSBins.
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Auxilio Chrome extension or how I boost my productivity
posted in Must-see on 2013-09-04 auxilio function command callback browser current extension page github -
I'll be honest and I'll say that I'm a bit lazy sometimes. I'm one of those developers which don't like to repeat same actions again and again. There are dozen of things which I have to do while working on a project. Very often I'm covering the development of several applications and have to switch between them. It's really annoying process. I hate to have many opened tabs in my browser, many consoles or several code editors. I always try to improve my productivity by automating tasks. I think that even switching between opened applications takes too much time.
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Two handy and advanced SASS features and their limitations
posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-13 mixin margin item reset list include extend sass items interpolation -
I really like SASS and I use it a lot in my daily job. There are tons of useful features. However there are some things which I want to do, but I can't. There are limitation in the syntax and missing functionalities. Sharing what I found, I want to know if you meet those limitation and how you get around them.
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CSS: :before and :after pseudo elements in practice
posted in CSS3 on 2013-07-26 content css block text font element width code links height -
By definition :before and :after are CSS pseudo elements. You can use them to insert something before or after the content of an element. There are some great articles giving the basics, but I wanted to write down a blog post for the real use cases. Or, at least, to show what I'm using them for.
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Javascript string replace and regular expression
posted in JavaScript on 2013-06-15 word git replace string innerhtml text replace element innerhtml text changetext function word creator linus torvalds linux creator linus source project started -
The replace method in JavaScript is pretty much the same as in the other languages. Replace part/s of a string with something else. However, there are some tricky moments and I wanted to write this article, because I met this problem several times in the past. Actually, very often I use my blog as a documentation for myself and this is one of those cases. Probably I'll be in the same situation after week or so and I'll just check here for the proper solution.
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Flash, nodejs sockets and cross-domain policy file
posted in ActionScript on 2013-06-13 socket port xml policy file server anotherhost error flash player make -
Ok, that was a long journey. I took an already build project and I had to make some changes. It's a complex system involving flex applications, nodejs and a mobile site. Before to start making changes I had to setup the project and make it work on my local machine. I spend few days doing this. At the end I successfully compile the flex application and made the necessary corrections. I uploaded the new swf file and of course it didn't work.
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A strange IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR event dispatched
posted in ActionScript on 2013-06-11 urlrequest var urlloader addeventlistener json encode obj string http site urlstring string http var urlstring string problem -
Really simple GET request from a flex based application. However it fails if GET parameters are passed.
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Convert HTML string to DOM element
posted in JavaScript on 2013-06-11 var markup output el link html frame contentdocument document createelement dom element -
Checkout Revealing the magic: How to properly convert HTML string to a DOM element article.
I'm working on a chrome extension which accepts user text, work with it and output the result in a div. I used jQuery in the beginning, for several tasks, but later I decided to remove it and deal with pure javascript/DOM manipulations. The output div was filled by using innerHTML property and everything was ok. But, at some point, I sent few buttons to the user and he has to interact with them. However, once I update the div's content the event listeners are detached and the buttons became non-functional.
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The Flash Builder debugger failed to connect to the running application.
posted in ActionScript on 2013-06-07 browser debug application flash player run device project time bin debug folder flash builder debugger -
I really don't like FlashBuilder. Mainly because I'm losing a lot of time just to setup the project. Usually when I receive the files I need around 10 hours just to compile successfully. The reasons for those problems are different Flex SDK, different directories' tree, wrong paths, missing libraries or fonts. Today I encounter a brand new type of problem.
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mod_rewrite, one simple rule and two stupidly lost hours
posted in PHP on 2013-06-05 public favicon png index php directory htaccess file server request mod_rewrite -
Ok, I should admit that mod_rewrite and regular expressions are not my strongest part. Today - as every other day I realize how little knowledge I have. Actually it's good to have such moments. I lost almost two hours fighting with a really really simple mod_rewrite rule in my .htaccess file.
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Git under windows (console mode)
posted in Architecture on 2013-05-29 git windows powershell file aliases function command status alias set -
I'm a Windows user. I also have a virtual machine with Ubuntu installed and coding there from time to time. I use Git a lot and in general I prefer console mode over the GUI. Under Unix everything works just great, but Windows's command prompt requires more efforts from our side. However I found some helpful tips, which could make your life easier.
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Responsive Design Workflow (my talk at VarnaLab)
posted in HTML5 on 2013-05-23 varnalab presentation s slides talks -
Presentation's slides. All my talks at VarnaLab are available here.
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CSS: The background color and overlapping rows
posted in CSS3 on 2013-05-22 element background result h1 facilisis metus feugiat tempor tincidunt erat consectetur adipiscing elit amet consectetur adipiscing sit amet consectetur dolor sit amet -
The goal is to achieve a background of the text inside an inline element.
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A short review of ExpressionEngine framework
posted in PHP on 2013-05-20 short review expressionengine framework s capabilities tech pro account article made project start -
I'm going to start a new project with ExpressionEngine. So, I made a short review of the framework's capabilities. The article is available at my account in tech.pro.
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CSS: transition from pixels to auto
posted in CSS3 on 2013-05-14 height css problem set content column animation slided auto -
As you may know I just updated my web site. There are five columns which nicely slide up and down on a lower resolution. In other words, accordion-like navigation. Initially I made this effect with JavaScript. But there was a bug and I decided to use pure CSS. I wanted to define everything in CSS classes which to add or remove. The idea wasn't bad except the fact that every column contains dynamic content and I wasn't able to set the exact height when the column is slided down.
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Real time game with NodeJS and Socket.io
posted in Nodejs on 2013-05-13 user var function users socket io game data end clicks currentwidth -
NodeJS gives me the ability to write back-end code in one of my favorite languages - JavaScript. It's the perfect technology for real time applications. In this tutorial I'll show you how to build a web chat with Socket.io.
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Make the web faster
posted in HTML5 on 2013-03-31 faster browser applications underlying problem tune slow javascript code js profiler chrome tracing ll talk structural profiler pages chrome devtools built build -
Slow JavaScript code on your pages? Chrome provides both a sampling, and a structural profiler to help you track down, isolate, and fix the underlying problem. Tune in to learn how to use both profilers, and how to improve your own workflow to build better, faster browser applications! We'll talk about chrome://tracing, the built-in JS profiler in DevTools, and much more.
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The Breakpoint
posted in HTML5 on 2013-03-10 devtools addy osmani paul irish breakpoint ep episode ll javascript performance tooling -
A bunch of useful things about our lovely browser - Chrome. Dev tools theming, console tips, editing of SASS directly inside the browser.
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Compiling iOS application under Windows with Flex SDK
posted in ActionScript on 2013-03-06 file developer application step openssl certificate device app p12 ios -
As you may know, Apple doesn't allow creation of iOS applications just like that. Especially under Windows. It's somehow a complex process, which requires several steps in a specific order. However it is still possible and you can do that without Mac.
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Web assets - tips for better organization and performance (discussion at VarnaLab)
posted in HTML5 on 2013-02-28 web assets tips varnalab discussion performance organization subject web assets slides screencast -
A screencast of the discussion at VarnaLab on subject "Web assets - tips for better organization and performance". The slides are available here.
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HTML slicing the site of VarnaLab using LESS and Twitter Bootstrap
posted in HTML5 on 2013-02-23 varnalab site bootstrap html slicing twitter bootstrap html -
HTML slicing the site of VarnaLab using LESS and Twitter Bootstrap
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sugru - self-setting rubber that can be formed by hand
posted in Inspiration on 2013-02-20 setting rubber hand formed sugru silicone rubber overnight flexible silicone rubber strong flexible silicone play dough bonds turns moulds exciting -
sugru is the exciting new self-setting rubber that can be formed by hand. It moulds like play-dough, bonds to almost anything and turns into a strong, flexible silicone rubber overnight.
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4 minutes hip hop history by Eklips
posted in Inspiration on 2012-10-10 eklips -
French beat box phenomenon EKLIPS performs a 4 minutes history of HIP HOP for Trace Urban... In one single take! www.eklips-beatbox.com
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Get Clients to say Yes! (by Paul Boag)
posted in Inspiration on 2012-02-04 paul boag clients -
Paul Boag covers strategies for working better with design clients.
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The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
posted in Architecture on 2012-01-03 principle responsibility class responsibility principle srp single responsibility principle software design read hard changing motive opinion fundamentals -
In my opinion that principle is really important and stays in the fundamentals of software design._In the context of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) we define a responsibility to be "a reason for change." If you can think of more than one motive for changing a class, then that class has more than one responsibility. This is sometimes hard to see._Read more about this principle here.
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JSConf.eu 2011
posted in JavaScript on 2011-09-11 blip tv jsconfeu http blip tv european javascript conference strongly recommend shared online s scheduled watch year happened lectures -
The European JavaScript conference is really close. It's scheduled for 01 and 02 of October. I wish I could be there. I hope that the videos from the lectures will be shared online, as this happened for the last year. I strongly recommend to watch them. There are available here http://blip.tv/jsconfeu.
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AS3: Tracing in Flash/Flex
posted in ActionScript on 2011-08-16 import flash public str function debug movieclip void trace swf class -
Inspired by the article of Dru Kepple I decided to share my experience in Debugging processes in flash/flex enviroment.
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AS3: Creating Facebook Application
posted in ActionScript on 2011-07-08 facebook function response http application log friends id api -
Facebook became one of the most popular social platforms these days. I just finished a flash based game that uses their API and decided to share my experience.
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AS3: runtime font loading (embedding)
posted in ActionScript on 2011-04-25 font field loader import flash swf public static const format font_export_name string font_file_name class -
Flash is wonderful technology and has many advantages. Before a couple of years it was really popuplar to use it for displaying fonts that are not installed on the user's machine. Flash is still powerfull tool for such kind of tasks. These days I worked on a project which had to use a lot of fonts. It wasn't possible to embed all of them so I decided to implement runtime embedding.
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PHP: add text to transparent PNG image
posted in PHP on 2011-03-10 im digit image png font originalimage php width -
Simple way to produce numbered image with PHP. The script uses PHP GD.
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Living Room - Concept Mr.Beam
posted in Inspiration on 2011-02-17 living room -
"We created an unique physical 3D video mapping experience by turning a white living room into a spacious 360° projection area. This technique allowed us to take control of all colors, patterns and textures of the furniture, wallpapers and carpet. All done with 2 projectors."
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Creating mp3 player with RobotLegs (basics tutorial)
posted in ActionScript on 2011-02-09 import public function event data preloaderevent robotlegs events class -
Have you ever wondered how to optimize your ActionScript applications? Have you searched for a nice framework that will save you a lot of time and will organize your structure? If yes then RobotLegs is for you. In this article I'll show you how to use it to create a simple mp3 player which loads a configuration xml file, parse it and play mp3 files.
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AS3: Using custom metadata in flex (part 2)
posted in ActionScript on 2011-01-27 metadata public var data class string public var method metadataparser mycustomclass tag -
Because of the huge interest in AS3: Using Custom Metadata in Flex (part 1) I decided to dig a little bit deeper in this topic. You already know how to get information about your custom metadata, so in this article I'll show you how to use it.
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JavaScript: managing events (dispatch, listen)
posted in JavaScript on 2011-01-06 function event events dispatch classname type eventbus addeventlistener testclass2 testclass1 var -
As a huge fen of the flash platform, I always like to work with events. The events system in ActionScript3 is really helpful when we are building a big application with many modules and we want to keep them independent. JavaScript hasn't native support of events, but we can still use them.
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AS3: Using custom Metadata in Flex (part 1)
posted in ActionScript on 2010-12-28 metadata public flex mycustomclass information metadata tags tag as3 flash utils describetype public function mycustomclass -
I'm sure that you've already used metadata tags in your flex applications. There are several reserved keywords like [Bindable], [Embed], [Event] and so on (the full list is available here). The function of the metadata tags is to provide additional information to the flex compiler. For example information about embeding assets, dispatching events. This article doesn't explain how to use the default flex tags (you can learn that from here). It shows you how to create your own metadata tags and how to use them.
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Change the quality of all the bitmaps of your flash document
posted in ActionScript on 2010-12-15 problem bitmaps arsthanea check flash provided ve met extension jsfl solutions edit library -
I know that you've met this problem. You have a lot of bitmaps in your library and you have to edit all of them one by one. There are several solutions of this problem. One of them is to use JSFL. There is another one - an extension for Flash provided by ArsThanea. Check it out here.
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Scaling rounded corners in Flash
posted in ActionScript on 2010-12-11 clip grid clip slicing height width void function rectangle resizing -
I'm absolutely sure that you've already met this problem. You know, these nice rounded buttons that are provided by the designer. They are really cool, but sometimes the label of the button is so long that you have to resize/scale the image. ActionScript3 provides simple way to solve this issue.
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PHP: export data to XLS file
posted in PHP on 2010-12-01 xlswritelabel echo pack 0x0 function content type application header content type download header content row col 0x0 echo pack ssssss -
Sometimes it is necessary to present your data in format which is popular and easy to work with. In most cases the CSV format will fit perfectly you and your clients, but sometimes you have to export the information in XLS file. These several functions will help you to do that.
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PHP: find links in a string and replace them with actual html link tags
posted in PHP on 2010-11-24 urlstoreplace str numofurlstoreplace urls alreadyadded numofurlstoreplace count urlstoreplace html link tags -
Currently I'm working on an application that gets data from Twitter. The tweet's string contains links that have to be transformed into html link tags. Here is a simple PHP function that helped me.
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Deep linking in flash with AS3
posted in ActionScript on 2010-11-14 flash page function hash address deeplinkingclass dl html swf home -
Many people will say that Flash is not SEO friendly. Actually that's not 100% true. Flash is just a tool that shows your data. Exactly the same as the HTML. In this article I'll show you how to use ActionScript3 and JavaScript together to make your flash sites SEO friendly and provide a different URL for each of your pages.
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Pattern fill with AS3 (repeat-x)
posted in ActionScript on 2010-11-04 graphics clip bd -
Currently I'm working on an AIR application and in the header of it there is a nice gradient which has to be repeated by the x axis to fill the whole screen area. One way to do it is to use a really wide image, something like 2000px. The other way is to use a simple trick and repeat a small part with the gradient.
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Adobe AIR: how to make things upon closing the application
posted in ActionScript on 2010-11-03 application closing things -
Sometimes we need to catch the closing of our AIR application to make some things like storing the window's position and size. We can do that in our code.
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checkPolicyFile flag was not set
posted in ActionScript on 2010-10-26 loader var context loadercontext crossdomain xml file checkpolicyfile flag set -
Sometimes the uploading of crossdomain.xml file is not enough to get the things working.
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How to protect your SWF file
posted in ActionScript on 2010-10-15 function swf protect void check file import flash public ondatafiledtoload onfailed files string -
Is there any way to protect your flash work? To be honest the answer is NO. As you probably know everything that is uploaded on a web server and is accessible from a web browser is downloaded to the users' computers and could be found in the temporary directories. Once someone gets your swf file he could use one of the dozen decompilers to reproduce the .fla and .as files. Anyway, there are still some ways to make stealing difficult.
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Adding outline of text or MovieClip in Flash with AS3
posted in ActionScript on 2010-10-06 outline filterarray color movieclip -
As you probably know there is no such kind of option. We should deal with a little AS3 code.
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Great review for krasimirtsonev.com
posted in Other on 2010-09-27 site navigation simple link clean column tim martinez background work -
Special thanks to Tim Martinez for his review in HumberInteractive.com.Tim Martinez:"The site I chose is the portfolio site of Web Designer and Developer, Krasimir Tsonev.When you hit the site, right off the bat you’re presented with a simple pre-loader and then up comes the navigation. I like the navigation because it starts off centred and one column. I like that the focus is on the navigation and it’s just so clean. The menu has a large font and is easy to read, plus you get a cool rollover. Now when you click on something in the navigation, it gives you what you want right away. When you click on “Work”, then the navigation shifts over and you get a two-column thing going on. The second column then has the submenu items under Work and you get sweet rollovers again. The site’s functionality is very simple. The site’s layout is just so simple. I like it.
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How to display php errors when display_errors is set to off
posted in PHP on 2010-09-17 display_errors ini_set server lines found set -
I successfully finished an interactive project for one of my clients. We did a great job and finally I had to install the system on their server. I received the FTP and MySQL information from their IT team, but when I uploaded all my files the site didn't work at the first time. The server didn't show any errors and I wasn't able to find out the problem.
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Apple App Store Opens its Doors to Adobe Flash
posted in Other on 2010-09-14 flash devices twitter lit ios devices twitter party development tools 3rd party development apple announce removal active tutsplus full article speculation began blogosphere jumped -
_"Yesterday saw Apple announce removal of the infamous restrictions on 3rd party development tools for iOS devices. Twitter lit up, the blogosphere jumped into gear and speculation began in earnest. So what’s this all about and what does it mean for Flash?"_The full article on active.tutsplus.com here.
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Distort MovieClip in Flash with AS3
posted in ActionScript on 2010-09-05 getrandomnum clip setting mtd tweentype out_expo end getrandomnum distort private function number movieclip distortimagewrapper -
As you probably know there is no simple way to distort a MovieClip in Flash. The solution that I've found uses AS3. Special thanks to Thomas Pfeiffer and Ruben Swieringa. They share their experience with this problem.
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Duplicate loaded images in AS3
posted in ActionScript on 2010-08-30 duplicate target var rect movieclip function bitmap loader import flash display target parent -
During the creation of the latest changes in my portfolio site, I needed to duplicate a loaded image that has to be placed as a material in papervison3d's cube. We don't have duplicateMovieClip in AS3, so we have to use another technique.
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Reported Attack Page in Firefox
posted in Other on 2010-08-17 site code add tools milware click request review check message remove -
Before a couple of days the code of my site was injected with some milware script code. In this article I will advice you how to remove this message.
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Create your own tween manager class in AS3
posted in ActionScript on 2010-08-07 arr ease startpos calcendpos steps var calcendpos steps break object steps break case properties start public function -
There are some features in Flash that we can't work without. Tween classes are among the most used ones. They give you ability to animate objects without using the timeline, to change the animation fast and easy. The idea of these classes is very simple. That's why I think that it is a good idea to have your own tween manager that you can modify to fit into your needs.
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Customize ComboBox in Flash (AS3)
posted in ActionScript on 2010-06-17 combo tf data import flash dp additem label customcellrenderer function combo textfield setstyle oncombochange cellrenderer movieclip -
In my work as a flash developer very often I receive from the client just one photoshop file with the design of the application/site that has to be coded. In the last project the designer made the ComboBox in the style of the site. So I couldn't use the default look of the Flash's drop down component.
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Embed fonts in all the text fields of your flash document
posted in ActionScript on 2010-02-26 jsfl script flash embed main flash_cs3_extending pdf http livedocs adobe simply ctrl r commangs run command flash commangs run jsfl embedcharactersintextfield jsfl -
Very helpful solution that will save you maybe several hours. I used JSFL language and very short script to parse all the items in the library. Then for every item just embed the characters that I wanted. Get the script from here http://www.outset.ws/files/jsfl/embedCharactersInTextField.jsfl. In flash: Commangs -> Run command (or simply Ctrl+R) and point the script file.You can download the jsfl documentation from here http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/flash_cs3_extending.pdf.
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SVET - web based project management system
posted in Other on 2010-01-05 project management system based project management web based project svet make detailed reports specific period working time online notebook work basically -
read moreFinally I finished some bugs of my own project management system and I think it's ready for use. SVET is one of my biggest projects and it's a web based project management system, that helps you to organize your work. Basically it's an online notebook which you can use to store the information for your projects. It enables you to track your working time and communicate with your team and clients. You can also make detailed reports of what you've done for a specific period of time. Please check out here.
Flex DataGrid vertical scrolling bug
posted in ActionScript on 2009-09-09 datagrid data_change listener datagrid flexevent data_change listener invalidateproperties flexevent data_change itemrenderer invalidateproperties flexevent itemrenderer itemrenderer invalidateproperties custom itemrenderer itemrenderer datagrid custom itemrenderer - read more
Flash CS3 crashes when closing the testing window !
posted in ActionScript on 2008-11-14 textfield crashes testing window flash scrolling text field creating scrolling text mask directly m working bkwld problem applied -
I'm working with a class for creating scrolling text field. So I'm using a MovieClip as mask and TextField. When I test the movie and close the testing window Flash just crashes. It's because I have applied the mask directly to the TextField :) The problem is described here. Thank you BKWLD !
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posted in Inspiration on 2008-09-15 filmefex studio picture industry check motion picture industry special effects facility create effects design -
read moreFilmefex Studio is a special effects facility, where they design and create effects for the motion picture industry. Check out here
The website is down !
posted in Fun on 2008-09-04 tech support person video clip hilarious fun video clip life - read more
5 helpful tips in photoshop
posted in Design on 2008-08-26 tool zoom layer click press selection keyboard button quick mask mode -
1. Moving background layer - sometimes you want to move the background layer. But by default it's locked. So just click twice on the layer and choose "OK" in the popup message. The layer will be transformed to normal layer.
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