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SASS and Gruntjs (Node.js setting up)

posted in Nodejs on 2014-01-14   grunt sass compass css add based gruntjs grunt contrib compass

I'm writing a lot of JavaScript these days. Even if the project is not Node.js based I'm using it for processing some tasks. At the moment most of my projects use GruntJS. Today I spend some time adding SASS to my workflow.

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SASS: interpolation in a name of variable

posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-29   bg background color interpolation header include set variable sass set styles dark include set styles arg header include bg arg header

I just answered on that question at StackOverflow. That's actually asked a lot last few months.

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SASS mixin for grid generation

posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-20   div wrapper grid sizing border box box sizing border columns mixin div div width sass

The mixins in SASS are really helpful. Here is something really short which I just start using. It's a mixin which I apply on the grid's container.

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SASS mixins covering media queries

posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-15   point media content media query min width break points media queries means sass mixins

These days I'm working on this little thing. It's a CSS micro framework following atomic concept. My preprocessor of choice is SASS. That's why I wrote several articles on this subject. Today's post is about media queries mixin.

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Sweating the small stuff: recreating subtle design details using Sass by Tim Hettler

posted in Must-see on 2013-08-14   sass

Tim Hettler shows how to convert a beautiful button made in Photoshop to pure CSS. It looks that with a little math and SASS a lot of things became possible.

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Two handy and advanced SASS features and their limitations

posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-13   mixin margin item reset list include extend sass items interpolation

I really like SASS and I use it a lot in my daily job. There are tons of useful features. However there are some things which I want to do, but I can't. There are limitation in the syntax and missing functionalities. Sharing what I found, I want to know if you meet those limitation and how you get around them.

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SASS: differences between mixins, extends and placeholders

posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-05   awesome width height mixin body placeholders radius css sass extend awesome

I used LESS a lot. These days I decided to try SASS and to be honest it's a better choice for CSS preprocessor. It just gives me more functionalities and better control on my code. There are few instruments for architecting your CSS logic - @mixin, @extend and placeholders. However there are differences between them and specific use cases.

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Web Highlights #7

posted in Inspiration on 2013-07-27   http twitter design web case study sass media queries blog things

Everyday I'm reading or watching something which I find helpful. Normally I bookmark those things, but at the end I have dozen of folders and subfolders which I never check. So, I decided to make such blog post where I'll share valuable things in the net.

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