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A modern React starter pack based on webpack

posted in JavaScript on 2015-10-01   webpack karma js var config dev plugins loader file react

Checkout React webpack starter in GitHub.

You know how crazy is the JavaScript world nowadays. There are new frameworks, libraries and tools coming every day. Frequently I’m exploring some of these goodies. I got a week long holiday. I promised to myself that I’ll not code, read or watch about code. Well, it’s stronger than me. React werbpack starter is the result of my no-programming week.

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A strange IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR event dispatched

posted in ActionScript on 2013-06-11   urlrequest var urlloader addeventlistener json encode obj string http site urlstring string http var urlstring string problem

Really simple GET request from a flex based application. However it fails if GET parameters are passed.

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\"This page contains both secure and non secure items\" message

posted in PHP on 2011-05-26   content problem http page featureloader js php https protocol

When you are opening a site via https protocol and there are items loaded with absolute addresses started with http some browsers, like IE, throw a message This page contains both secure and non-secure items. It is really annoying and if the user decides to can prevent these items of showing and he can brake the whole layout or some functionality.

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AS3: runtime font loading (embedding)

posted in ActionScript on 2011-04-25   font field loader import flash swf public static const format font_export_name string font_file_name class

Flash is wonderful technology and has many advantages. Before a couple of years it was really popuplar to use it for displaying fonts that are not installed on the user's machine. Flash is still powerfull tool for such kind of tasks. These days I worked on a project which had to use a lot of fonts. It wasn't possible to embed all of them so I decided to implement runtime embedding.

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Creating mp3 player with RobotLegs (basics tutorial)

posted in ActionScript on 2011-02-09   import public function event data preloaderevent robotlegs events class

Have you ever wondered how to optimize your ActionScript applications? Have you searched for a nice framework that will save you a lot of time and will organize your structure? If yes then RobotLegs is for you. In this article I'll show you how to use it to create a simple mp3 player which loads a configuration xml file, parse it and play mp3 files.

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checkPolicyFile flag was not set

posted in ActionScript on 2010-10-26   loader var context loadercontext crossdomain xml file checkpolicyfile flag set

Sometimes the uploading of crossdomain.xml file is not enough to get the things working.

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Duplicate loaded images in AS3

posted in ActionScript on 2010-08-30   duplicate target var rect movieclip function bitmap loader import flash display target parent

During the creation of the latest changes in my portfolio site, I needed to duplicate a loaded image that has to be placed as a material in papervison3d's cube. We don't have duplicateMovieClip in AS3, so we have to use another technique.

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