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README driven development

posted in Architecture on 2017-09-06   library readme driven development api code writing make documentation started helped

I was doing a podcast episode with Kent C. Dodds when he mentioned README-driven development. And so I decided to try it out with a new library which I just started. Here’s what I found.

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Surviving the Web

posted in Must-see on 2017-03-03   smashfind links time cool places popular stuff twitter web read

I'm a proud father of two and programmer for more then 15 years. My kids are small so I'm really into parenting right now. A bit of a problem for me is to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies in the Web. I really love my job but I just don't have enough time to look after all these frameworks, libraries or tools. I used to read Twitter, monitor RSS feeds and spend hours reading Reddit or Medium. However, no time for that anymore.

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Using Mocha with ES6 spec files

posted in JavaScript on 2015-12-23   mocha babel es6 package json file es5 babel preset es2015 tests test results javascript mocha reading spec files written

The new ES6 specification of JavaScript simply works better for me. It helps expressing my ideas in a shorter and cleaner way. So, I want to write ES6 everywhere. Even while I’m testing my applications.

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A story about currying

posted in JavaScript on 2015-12-15   var function read dict key return currying button bind big dictionaryb blue

I hope you know about currying. If not then please read this book. It’s basically a process of calling a function with less parameters than it expects. Ok, not exactly calling the function but prepare another function that will run the original one. Some people call the returned function higher-order factory function. Really powerful concept.

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posted in Must-see on 2013-06-03   medium minutes break inspiring created read

Take a 20 minutes' break and read this. That's how Medium is created. It's really inspiring.

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PHP: the right way

posted in PHP on 2012-07-09   php bad http www phptherightway web http www accepted coding standards practices accepted coding read quick reference propagating bad practices astray propagating bad users astray propagating

There’s a lot of bad information on the Web (I’m looking at you, W3Schools) that leads new PHP users astray, propagating bad practices and bad code. This must stop. PHP: The Right Way is an easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web.

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Writing Maintainable Automated Acceptance Tests by Dale H. Emery

posted in Architecture on 2012-07-08   good test suite lot tests article http arlobelshee test suite read automated testing checkout dale emery shares programming dale emery driven development changed test driven development

For some time, I bring a lot of attention to the tests of everything that I'm working on. Actually Test Driven Development changed a lot my vision for programming. Dale Emery shares really interesting thoughts regarding automated testing. Checkout here. If you wonder what are the characteristics of a good test suite read this article

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Brian McCallister and the code

posted in Architecture on 2012-05-16   programming profession convert business requirements efficiently convert business full article bugs read repeatable manner things programming computer

_Programming and the Profession of Programming are quite different things. Programming is being able to efficiently tell a computer exactly what to do in a repeatable manner. The profession of programming is being able to efficiently convert business requirements into bugs._Read the full article here.

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The Dependency Inversion Principle

posted in Architecture on 2012-01-24   depend abstractions dependency inversion principle abstractions b abstractions low level modules high level modules higher level components inversion principle relates abstractions read details details

The Dependency Inversion Principle relates to the stability and reusability of higher-level components within an application. The principle states:_A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.B. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions._Read more here.

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The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

posted in Architecture on 2012-01-03   principle responsibility class responsibility principle srp single responsibility principle software design read hard changing motive opinion fundamentals

In my opinion that principle is really important and stays in the fundamentals of software design._In the context of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) we define a responsibility to be "a reason for change." If you can think of more than one motive for changing a class, then that class has more than one responsibility. This is sometimes hard to see._Read more about this principle here.

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Adobe\'s strategic transformation and the Flash Platform

posted in ActionScript on 2011-11-20   adobe adobe community read full article social connections touch interfaces fundamental transformation change innovation time devices

Adobe is in the midst of a fundamental transformation. We are transforming from software in boxes to solutions in the cloud, and to a world of touch interfaces on devices, and social connections everywhere. This is a time of both innovation and change for Adobe and for the Adobe community ...Read the full article here.

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A RobotLegs Book

posted in ActionScript on 2011-07-22   book robotlegs joel hooks finished information read

@Stray and @Joel Hooks finished their book for RobotLegs. Definitely it is something that you should read. More information here.

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PHP: find links in a string and replace them with actual html link tags

posted in PHP on 2010-11-24   urlstoreplace str numofurlstoreplace urls alreadyadded numofurlstoreplace count urlstoreplace html link tags

Currently I'm working on an application that gets data from Twitter. The tweet's string contains links that have to be transformed into html link tags. Here is a simple PHP function that helped me.

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