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mod_rewrite, one simple rule and two stupidly lost hours

posted in PHP on 2013-06-05   public favicon png index php directory htaccess file server request mod_rewrite

Ok, I should admit that mod_rewrite and regular expressions are not my strongest part. Today - as every other day I realize how little knowledge I have. Actually it's good to have such moments. I lost almost two hours fighting with a really really simple mod_rewrite rule in my .htaccess file.

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AS3: Tracing in Flash/Flex

posted in ActionScript on 2011-08-16   import flash public str function debug movieclip void trace swf class

Inspired by the article of Dru Kepple I decided to share my experience in Debugging processes in flash/flex enviroment.

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AS3: runtime font loading (embedding)

posted in ActionScript on 2011-04-25   font field loader import flash swf public static const format font_export_name string font_file_name class

Flash is wonderful technology and has many advantages. Before a couple of years it was really popuplar to use it for displaying fonts that are not installed on the user's machine. Flash is still powerfull tool for such kind of tasks. These days I worked on a project which had to use a lot of fonts. It wasn't possible to embed all of them so I decided to implement runtime embedding.

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Creating mp3 player with RobotLegs (basics tutorial)

posted in ActionScript on 2011-02-09   import public function event data preloaderevent robotlegs events class

Have you ever wondered how to optimize your ActionScript applications? Have you searched for a nice framework that will save you a lot of time and will organize your structure? If yes then RobotLegs is for you. In this article I'll show you how to use it to create a simple mp3 player which loads a configuration xml file, parse it and play mp3 files.

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AS3: Using custom metadata in flex (part 2)

posted in ActionScript on 2011-01-27   metadata public var data class string public var method metadataparser mycustomclass tag

Because of the huge interest in AS3: Using Custom Metadata in Flex (part 1) I decided to dig a little bit deeper in this topic. You already know how to get information about your custom metadata, so in this article I'll show you how to use it.

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AS3: Using custom Metadata in Flex (part 1)

posted in ActionScript on 2010-12-28   metadata public flex mycustomclass information metadata tags tag as3 flash utils describetype public function mycustomclass

I'm sure that you've already used metadata tags in your flex applications. There are several reserved keywords like [Bindable], [Embed], [Event] and so on (the full list is available here). The function of the metadata tags is to provide additional information to the flex compiler. For example information about embeding assets, dispatching events. This article doesn't explain how to use the default flex tags (you can learn that from here). It shows you how to create your own metadata tags and how to use them.

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How to protect your SWF file

posted in ActionScript on 2010-10-15   function swf protect void check file import flash public ondatafiledtoload onfailed files string

Is there any way to protect your flash work? To be honest the answer is NO. As you probably know everything that is uploaded on a web server and is accessible from a web browser is downloaded to the users' computers and could be found in the temporary directories. Once someone gets your swf file he could use one of the dozen decompilers to reproduce the .fla and .as files. Anyway, there are still some ways to make stealing difficult.

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Create your own tween manager class in AS3

posted in ActionScript on 2010-08-07   arr ease startpos calcendpos steps var calcendpos steps break object steps break case properties start public function

There are some features in Flash that we can't work without. Tween classes are among the most used ones. They give you ability to animate objects without using the timeline, to change the animation fast and easy. The idea of these classes is very simple. That's why I think that it is a good idea to have your own tween manager that you can modify to fit into your needs.

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