Flash CS5 is not working
posted in ActionScript on 2013-12-19 flash cs5 problem -
That's one of those blog post which I'm using as documentation. When I find a bug and I fix it I feel that I have to write the whole process somewhere, because if I meet the same problem in the future I'll really want to save some time. Today I open my Flash CS5 and apparently I can't paint on the stage.
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Flash, nodejs sockets and cross-domain policy file
posted in ActionScript on 2013-06-13 socket port xml policy file server anotherhost error flash player make -
Ok, that was a long journey. I took an already build project and I had to make some changes. It's a complex system involving flex applications, nodejs and a mobile site. Before to start making changes I had to setup the project and make it work on my local machine. I spend few days doing this. At the end I successfully compile the flex application and made the necessary corrections. I uploaded the new swf file and of course it didn't work.
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The Flash Builder debugger failed to connect to the running application.
posted in ActionScript on 2013-06-07 browser debug application flash player run device project time bin debug folder flash builder debugger -
I really don't like FlashBuilder. Mainly because I'm losing a lot of time just to setup the project. Usually when I receive the files I need around 10 hours just to compile successfully. The reasons for those problems are different Flex SDK, different directories' tree, wrong paths, missing libraries or fonts. Today I encounter a brand new type of problem.
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Colorize your output in FlashDevelop
posted in ActionScript on 2011-10-08 trace flashdevelop -
Did you ever wonder how to change the color of your traces in FlashDevelop. It's possible and it is really helpful feature.
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AS3: Tracing in Flash/Flex
posted in ActionScript on 2011-08-16 import flash public str function debug movieclip void trace swf class -
Inspired by the article of Dru Kepple I decided to share my experience in Debugging processes in flash/flex enviroment.
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AS3: runtime font loading (embedding)
posted in ActionScript on 2011-04-25 font field loader import flash swf public static const format font_export_name string font_file_name class -
Flash is wonderful technology and has many advantages. Before a couple of years it was really popuplar to use it for displaying fonts that are not installed on the user's machine. Flash is still powerfull tool for such kind of tasks. These days I worked on a project which had to use a lot of fonts. It wasn't possible to embed all of them so I decided to implement runtime embedding.
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AS3: Using custom Metadata in Flex (part 1)
posted in ActionScript on 2010-12-28 metadata public flex mycustomclass information metadata tags tag as3 flash utils describetype public function mycustomclass -
I'm sure that you've already used metadata tags in your flex applications. There are several reserved keywords like [Bindable], [Embed], [Event] and so on (the full list is available here). The function of the metadata tags is to provide additional information to the flex compiler. For example information about embeding assets, dispatching events. This article doesn't explain how to use the default flex tags (you can learn that from here). It shows you how to create your own metadata tags and how to use them.
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Change the quality of all the bitmaps of your flash document
posted in ActionScript on 2010-12-15 problem bitmaps arsthanea check flash provided ve met extension jsfl solutions edit library -
I know that you've met this problem. You have a lot of bitmaps in your library and you have to edit all of them one by one. There are several solutions of this problem. One of them is to use JSFL. There is another one - an extension for Flash provided by ArsThanea. Check it out here.
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Deep linking in flash with AS3
posted in ActionScript on 2010-11-14 flash page function hash address deeplinkingclass dl html swf home -
Many people will say that Flash is not SEO friendly. Actually that's not 100% true. Flash is just a tool that shows your data. Exactly the same as the HTML. In this article I'll show you how to use ActionScript3 and JavaScript together to make your flash sites SEO friendly and provide a different URL for each of your pages.
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How to protect your SWF file
posted in ActionScript on 2010-10-15 function swf protect void check file import flash public ondatafiledtoload onfailed files string -
Is there any way to protect your flash work? To be honest the answer is NO. As you probably know everything that is uploaded on a web server and is accessible from a web browser is downloaded to the users' computers and could be found in the temporary directories. Once someone gets your swf file he could use one of the dozen decompilers to reproduce the .fla and .as files. Anyway, there are still some ways to make stealing difficult.
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Apple App Store Opens its Doors to Adobe Flash
posted in Other on 2010-09-14 flash devices twitter lit ios devices twitter party development tools 3rd party development apple announce removal active tutsplus full article speculation began blogosphere jumped -
_"Yesterday saw Apple announce removal of the infamous restrictions on 3rd party development tools for iOS devices. Twitter lit up, the blogosphere jumped into gear and speculation began in earnest. So what’s this all about and what does it mean for Flash?"_The full article on active.tutsplus.com here.
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Duplicate loaded images in AS3
posted in ActionScript on 2010-08-30 duplicate target var rect movieclip function bitmap loader import flash display target parent -
During the creation of the latest changes in my portfolio site, I needed to duplicate a loaded image that has to be placed as a material in papervison3d's cube. We don't have duplicateMovieClip in AS3, so we have to use another technique.
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How to use Google Maps API in flash
posted in ActionScript on 2010-08-19 import map flash google maps icon private function adding setting mapevent api -
Google offers a lot of free tools for us. One of them is really useful and easy to work with - GoogleMaps API. In this article I will show you how to import a map in Flash and place an icon in a specific place.
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Javascript to Flash communication and vise versa
posted in ActionScript on 2010-08-05 area html text flash javascript -
The communication between Flash and JavaScript is really important part of the web sites today. That's why I decided to share how to do it.
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Load MySQL data in Flash with AS3
posted in ActionScript on 2010-07-10 text data city import flash ondatafiledtoload php file onloaddata string url -
There are some things that I'm doing in almost every project. Loading of data in Flash is actually one of them. In this article I'll show you how to load information from MySQL database. We will use PHP as a junction between the Flash and the database. You need an Apache server like XAMPP or EasyPHP installed or just a hosting account that supports php.
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Customize ComboBox in Flash (AS3)
posted in ActionScript on 2010-06-17 combo tf data import flash dp additem label customcellrenderer function combo textfield setstyle oncombochange cellrenderer movieclip -
In my work as a flash developer very often I receive from the client just one photoshop file with the design of the application/site that has to be coded. In the last project the designer made the ComboBox in the style of the site. So I couldn't use the default look of the Flash's drop down component.
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Code Flex applications with FlashDevelop
posted in ActionScript on 2010-06-07 flashdevelop flex project project9 press f5 project select flex property8 choose project location property8 choose sdk location property8 flex sdk location change flex sdk - read more
SVET - the big adventure (fantasy flash RPG game)
posted in Other on 2010-03-05 game run game check n run game jump n run rpg jump n fantasy rpg jump latest flash game -
read moreMy latest flash game. It's a fantasy RPG jump'n'run game. Check out here.
Embed fonts in all the text fields of your flash document
posted in ActionScript on 2010-02-26 jsfl script flash embed main flash_cs3_extending pdf http livedocs adobe simply ctrl r commangs run command flash commangs run jsfl embedcharactersintextfield jsfl -
Very helpful solution that will save you maybe several hours. I used JSFL language and very short script to parse all the items in the library. Then for every item just embed the characters that I wanted. Get the script from here http://www.outset.ws/files/jsfl/embedCharactersInTextField.jsfl. In flash: Commangs -> Run command (or simply Ctrl+R) and point the script file.You can download the jsfl documentation from here http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/flash_cs3_extending.pdf.
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Flash CS3 crashes when closing the testing window !
posted in ActionScript on 2008-11-14 textfield crashes testing window flash scrolling text field creating scrolling text mask directly m working bkwld problem applied -
I'm working with a class for creating scrolling text field. So I'm using a MovieClip as mask and TextField. When I test the movie and close the testing window Flash just crashes. It's because I have applied the mask directly to the TextField :) The problem is described here. Thank you BKWLD !
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Adobe Flash Player 10 now available
posted in Other on 2008-10-17 flash player - read more