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React and third-party libraries

posted in JavaScript on 2016-11-27   react tags tag render list jquery plugin extends react component props

React is probably one of the best choices for building UI. Good design, support and community. However, there are cases where we want to use an external service or we want to integrate something completely different. We all know that React works heavily with the actual DOM and basically controls what’s rendered on the screen. That’s why integrating of third-party components could be tricky. In this article we will see how to mix React and jQuery’s UI plugin and do it safely.

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React.js in patterns

posted in JavaScript on 2016-07-20   component react title props header data app extends react component class

Long time I was searching for a good front-end framework. Framework that will help me write scalable and easy to maintain UI. Even though React is just a library for rendering it comes with so many benefits that I can easily say “I found it”. And like every thing that I use a lot I started seeing some patterns. Techniques that are applied over and over again and I see in the code of other developers. It’s time that I start documenting, discussing and sharing these patterns.

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