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Smart placeholders in your markdown

posted in JavaScript on 2020-05-06   markdown placeholders template annotation marked contentful https button part content stuff p p seemore const

I ❤️ markdown. I like its simplicity and minimalistic API which is good enough to cover most of needed HTML markup. At least for textual content. At work we have a small node based microservice that delivers data from Contentful in exactly markdown format. It's all working well but we started having cases where part of the text is in Contentful and the other part is in that microservice. For example when we have a button with a catchy design. We want to content manage the label of the button but the actual markup to be on our side.

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Chrome Devevelopment Tools could be really helpful

posted in HTML5 on 2013-02-09   detecting memory leaks network performance rendering analyze network performance instrumented development platforms googledevelopers channel strongly recommend ilya grigorik nice screencast build faster javascript code

"Your browser is one of the most and best instrumented development platforms -- you may just not realize it yet. In this episode we'll take a whirlwind tour of how to analyze network performance, rendering and layout pipeline, as well as detecting memory leaks in your Javascript code, and using audits and extensions to build faster and better apps!". A nice screencast by Ilya Grigorik. I strongly recommend the subscription to GoogleDevelopers channel.

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AS3: dynamic text field to curve (TextField on an arcing path)

posted in ActionScript on 2011-05-04   text var curvedtext textformat number radius tf direction endangle startangle

[2]Most of the articles here are tightly connected to my daily work. As you probably know from one of my latest posts (runtime font loading/embedding) I worked a lot with texts these days. There was a request for producing curved text from a dynamic field. Of course it wasn't so easy to create such a feature. I wrote a simple class that did the job and I decided to share it.

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Customize ComboBox in Flash (AS3)

posted in ActionScript on 2010-06-17   combo tf data import flash dp additem label customcellrenderer function combo textfield setstyle oncombochange cellrenderer movieclip

In my work as a flash developer very often I receive from the client just one photoshop file with the design of the application/site that has to be coded. In the last project the designer made the ComboBox in the style of the site. So I couldn't use the default look of the Flash's drop down component.

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Embed fonts in all the text fields of your flash document

posted in ActionScript on 2010-02-26   jsfl script flash embed main flash_cs3_extending pdf http livedocs adobe simply ctrl r commangs run command flash commangs run jsfl embedcharactersintextfield jsfl

Very helpful solution that will save you maybe several hours. I used JSFL language and very short script to parse all the items in the library. Then for every item just embed the characters that I wanted. Get the script from here In flash: Commangs -> Run command (or simply Ctrl+R) and point the script file.You can download the jsfl documentation from here

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Flash CS3 crashes when closing the testing window !

posted in ActionScript on 2008-11-14   textfield crashes testing window flash scrolling text field creating scrolling text mask directly m working bkwld problem applied

I'm working with a class for creating scrolling text field. So I'm using a MovieClip as mask and TextField. When I test the movie and close the testing window Flash just crashes. It's because I have applied the mask directly to the TextField :) The problem is described here. Thank you BKWLD !

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