Configure Google domain email in Vercel with ImprovMX
posted in Architecture on 2021-01-27 vercel email google improvmx -
Back in February last year I blog on topic Email not working after DNS change. Well, I had kinda similar situation but not exactly. This time I bought a domain from Google and wanted to use an email with it. The setup wasn't obvious for me so I decided to document the process.
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You Really Don't Need All That JavaScript, I Promise by Stuart Langridge
posted in JavaScript on 2020-09-12 javascript performance optimization -
JavaScript is your behavior layer; the way to add interactivity to your sites, to provide a slick and delightful user experience, to make everything fast and easy and clean. But at some point everything changed: the tail started to wag the dog instead and development became JavaScript-first.
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Create your own Covid-19 data tracker
posted in JavaScript on 2020-03-30 covid-19 tracker virus api zeit covid https data github data tracker thevirustracker time johns hopkins university code back end endpoints react created recharts beginning tags tag link countries package sh https c19stats -
I'm continuing to experiment with React and TypeScript. The weekend-long project this time was a Covid-19 data tracker. In this blog post I will share how I built c19stats.now.sh. I exposed the data as a public API at the same URL. I guess you, as many other people, follow the situation so you may want to glue your fingers on the keyboard and create something useful around the data. I got lots of fun playing with the diagrams.
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From 0 to 100 GitHub stars in a week
posted in JavaScript on 2020-02-27 github stars project branding promote octomments krasimir write idea https github blog align center don t easy section add https post link javascript reddit facebook make time -
2020 for me started with the release of several OS projects. Two of them reached 100 stars in a week and I was thinking that would be nice sharing my workflow. Not like it is working every time, absolutely not, but leads to some good results.
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Webpack/TypeScript/React starter kit as of 2020
posted in JavaScript on 2020-02-23 webpack typescript starter react eslint beginning krasimir beginning npm run watch components app tsx src components app beginning https github -
I just started using TypeScript. I did couple of React projects and noticed a pattern in the setup. I decided to export that to a starter kit 👉 beginning. It is based on Webpack with Babel and TypeScript loader.
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Octomments - using GitHub as a comment plugin
posted in JavaScript on 2020-01-31 octomments github comments github comments github issues server issues comment https github krasimir octomments https repo app -
87% of my readers are using Chrome on desktop. This means that I have the luxury to care less about performance. However I just recently found that this blog has 56 (out of 100) points on Google's pagespeed test. That's not good. The report says that my Disqus comments are blocking the main thread for ~900ms. I want comments on my blog but I also want my users to reach to content as quickly as possible. So, after so many years using Disqus I decided to break with it and use something else.
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VSCode go to definition/implementation fixed
posted in JavaScript on 2020-01-17 vscode typescript intellisense problem implementation working common fixed definition -
I just spent ~2 hours on this and I had to blog about it. I bet I will come back to the same problem and it will be nice to have a quick solution at hand. And the problem that I'm talking about is the non working
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orGo to implementation
feature of VSCode. Or in other words the JavaScript IntelliSense was not working for me. Of course it was annoying because I had to navigate to files manually via the folder tree on the left or typing the name of the file in the Cmd+Shift+P popup.
AST fun. Remove a function call from your bundle
posted in JavaScript on 2020-01-13 javascript ast bundle object property path callee javascript esprima node const type -
I'm working on a small library that has a logger. I'm bundling the app to a single file and I want to disable the logger for the production version. In this blog post we will see how I removed the
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calls from my bundle using AST (abstract syntax tree).
Hopa - zero config CLI that runs JavaScript and TypeScript
posted in JavaScript on 2020-01-12 hopa runner typescript javascript babel typescript io webpack https code don t krasimir hopa -
Yesterday was one of those days. I stumbled a task and wanted to find the right tool for it. That same task is on my way at least twice a week and I always refuse to optimize it. Because it was a weekend I decided to spend some time and research a proper tool for the job. Well, I find nothing that suites my need. I time-boxed a hour and said F.ck it!. I will code it myself. That's how Hopa was born - a zero config CLI that runs JavaScript and TypeScript. Transpiles, bundles, watches and executes code.
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Part 3: Riew - reactive view in patterns
posted in Riew on 2020-01-06 riew csp routine go javascript channels console log yield krasimir riew https github function state const -
In this article we will see some use cases of Riew. Those are patterns which I found repeating while using the library. There are other blog posts part of the same series and I will suggest checking at least this one so you get a basic understanding before jumping into the code snippets below.
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Bret Victor: Inventing on principle
posted in Inspiration on 2020-01-01 inspiration inventing principle href https vimeo bret victor inventing decade -
I just finished reading My Decade in Review by Dan Abramov and as part of his article he mentions this talk by Bret Victor. I think it's amazing and want to keep a reference to it somewhere. What a better place than this 12 years old blog.
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Why and how I built my own alternative of the GitHub's UI
posted in JavaScript on 2019-04-25 igit code github context time api code review roger app -
I'm using Git and GitHub in particular a lot. And when I say a lot I really mean all the time. Recently I tracked a week of work and found that 62% of my working time goes into code reviews. Sometimes I'm checking out a branch locally and trying stuff but really most of my time goes into github.com. I spent some time analyzing why the code review process is so time consuming for me. I identified couple of reasons, made a tool and changed some of my habits. In this article I'll show you how I improved my code review speed and lower the time to 38%.
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Jolly Roger - a 2KB micro-framework based on React hooks API
posted in JavaScript on 2019-04-20 time roger const state return function usestate yohoho action -
The hooks API is a wonderful idea. There are some slick patterns involved that push the React development to a more functional approach. I'm interested in trying that new API and decided to use it for my latest project. However, after a couple of days, it looked like I can't build my app only with hooks. I needed something else. And that's mainly because each hook works on a local component level. I can't really transfer state or exchange reducers between the components. That's why I created Jolly Roger. It has similar helpers but works on a global app level.
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Pixo - Image editor for your web app
posted in JavaScript on 2018-09-03 pixo images image editor modal editing api key web app -
If your users deal with images (photos, product images, etc.) it will be great if they have the ability to apply some basic editing after upload, e.g. adjust brightness and contrast for sharper view, crop, add some text, etc. However, if image editing is not the primary feature of your product, the profit from investment in such secondary feature won't cover the costs. Integrating a 3rd party image editor appears to be a wiser choice.
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NADCAST.15 live recorded at React.NotAConf
posted in NADCAST on 2018-05-09 https twitter react nadcast https www youtube http nadcast krasimirtsonev mp3 http nadcast live recorded -
Episode #15 of NADCAST was live recorded at ReactNotAConf conference in Sofia on 28th of April. After every presentation we've made a panel with the speaker and ask topic related questions. So, if you listen the whole episode you'll get a pretty good overview of what the conference was about.
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Surviving the Web
posted in Must-see on 2017-03-03 smashfind links time cool places popular stuff twitter web read -
I'm a proud father of two and programmer for more then 15 years. My kids are small so I'm really into parenting right now. A bit of a problem for me is to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies in the Web. I really love my job but I just don't have enough time to look after all these frameworks, libraries or tools. I used to read Twitter, monitor RSS feeds and spend hours reading Reddit or Medium. However, no time for that anymore.
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Bulgaria Web Summit 2017 is just around the corner
posted in Must-see on 2017-01-30 ll day time talk nice interesting events good happy -
One of my favorite conferences Bulgaria Web Summit 2017 is just around the corner. I’m happy to attend again. The organizer prepared a good set of speakers and the event is two days this year.
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Presentational and container React components
posted in JavaScript on 2016-08-01 time component clock components props react seconds container return -
When we start using React we very soon also start asking questions. Where I’m suppose to put my data, how to communicate changes or how to manage state? The answers of this questions are very often matter of context and sometimes just practice and experience with the library. However, there is a pattern which is used widely and helps organizing React based applications - splitting the components into presentational and containers.
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Short movie by Oscar-winning animator Patrick Osborne
posted in Inspiration on 2016-07-10 animator patrick osborne winning animator patrick oscar winning animator -
Amazing art direction and storytelling in this one of a kind 360-degree musical short film from Oscar-winning animator Patrick Osborne. Watch out, it's a tear jerker!
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Lazy-load your images with Coloor
posted in JavaScript on 2016-04-03 image src coloor img var images base64 canvas size function -
Last week I landed on an article by Manuel Wieser called Dominant Colors for Lazy-Loading Images and I found the topic really interesting. It’s about lazy-loading of images. Something that Medium is using.
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Apache .htaccess for HTML5 push state manipulations
posted in Architecture on 2015-12-20 dev krasimir navigo home dev krasimir http home dev index html html http home index html http browser routing -
This is a quick post so I document my two hours research. I'm working on a open source library for routing in the browser. Or in other words JavaScript library that uses the history API. The thing is that locally I'm using Apache as a dev server and I wanted all the request to specific folder to be redirected to
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The proper way of fixing bugs
posted in Must-see on 2015-02-11 bug problem time system parts don t fix steps work -
I could split my programming experience in two parts. The first one is a little bit more creative. That's the time where the application still does not exist. You invent and architect the program. The second part is extending and fixing the already created system. They, these two parts, have their own interesting and boring sides. However, I believe that they both are in the essence of delivering quality software. This article focuses on bug fixing. It aims to give you bunch of advices how to properly handle the problems in your applications.
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Bulgaria Web Summit / must-go conference for the modern web person
posted in Must-see on 2015-02-03 conference problems people speakers bulgaria web summit similar working talks time year -
The year is 2005. At that time I was a student in Technical University of Varna. As every normal student I had to visit the building of the university from time to time.
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My front-end performance case study
posted in Must-see on 2014-08-25 css file blog time page images performance pagespeedinsights main -
I’m reading and watching a lot of interesting things regarding client-side performance. I’m interested in the browser’s processes happening before and just after the page’s load. There are tons of stuff to think about. Before a couple of days, I joined the online workshop of Vitaly Friedman. I had a great time and learned some clever facts about performance optimization.
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Feeding the beast at 60fps
posted in JavaScript on 2014-07-23 li data browser function var processed code list time -
The browsers nowadays are smart. They optimize everything and help us to produce better applications. They process our code as fast as possible and even on mobile devices deliver a pleasant experience. However, at the same time, it is possible to write buggy code and make the browser freezing. We are not talking about slowing down the rendering. We are talking about no rendering at all. There are cases where we want so much from the browser that it just can’t handle it.
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Hungry for knowledge - Scotland JS 2014 talks
posted in Must-see on 2014-06-22 javascript neo uk vimeo talk web js ll code build -
These are screencasts from the this year's Scotland JS conferences. It happened on 9th and 10th of May. If you are a JavaScript developer you will probably want to see the talks.
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Stop autoplaying your Gifs
posted in JavaScript on 2014-06-19 gifffer image library page gifffer min js animated gif -
This blog has 460 posts. In some of them, I need to show video clips demonstrating some feature or browser behaviour. I found that it was much better to do that in an animated Gif. However, they play automatically which is kinda annoying. Imagine that we have ten Gifs on the page and while you are reading they all blink or show moving content. It's like having a page full with banners.
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ExpressionEngine: thumbnail could not be created for the image under Windows
posted in PHP on 2013-11-28 file windows thumbnail file upload preferences image created -
I'm a Windows user and I'm working on a ExpressionEngine based site. I'm using EasyPHP as a server and everything works as expected. However, once I decided to upload a file I got "Thumbnail could not be created for the image. Please make sure the thumbnail directory is writable.".
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PHP: please, please, clear my cookies
posted in PHP on 2013-10-31 time cookies result arr setcookie request_ids time setcookie app_request_type time store needed -
I'm currently working on a JavaScript application which is using the facebook API. There are some things which I need to pass from one page to the other. So, I decided to use cookies. The storing works like a charm, but the deleting doesn't. I needed one hour to find the exact problem.
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PHP: simple captcha script
posted in PHP on 2013-08-08 array code expression alphabet result im -
In my company, we have a lot of WordPress sites. Some of them require contact form with captcha field. The short way for solving such task is to use a plugin. However, as you may guess, the add-ons are available for everyone, which means that they could be easily explored and probably hacked. That's why I suggested a simple, custom script, which is developed by us.
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CSS Challenge #2: Layouting
posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-03 layout width text sizing border box box sizing border padding image float left layout c layout b -
The first challenge, was something which I was thinking about a lot these days. The next one is actually a well known common task, but it is still difficult. In every project we have different types of layouts. Of course there are some patterns. The idea today is to implement them with pure CSS.
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Stay tuned / conferences that you should know about
posted in Must-see on 2013-08-02 conference official page talks web videos https vimeo event conferences mobile speakers -
Nowadays is really difficult to be up to date with the latest technologies, concepts or tools. There are several ways to accomplish this. You could use RSS, check blogs regularly or follow as many people as possible in Twitter/Facebook. My way is to watch videos from various conferences.
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CSS Challenge #1: expand and center an image
posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-01 image background wrapper width div css center background size cover 200px overflow hidden height 200px overflow -
That's first of (I hope) many posts with such an idea. Problems solved with pure CSS. No JavaScript.
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Introduction to animations in HTML
posted in HTML5 on 2013-07-30 animation var animations css function element class add -
Last few years designers use a lot of animations directly in the HTML. That's of course kinda cool, because you don't need a plugin in order to see their work. There are several ways to make animations in HTML. It's an interesting subject and I decided to make a short research and summarize the information.
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Web Highlights #6
posted in HTML5 on 2013-06-25 http responsive web design ve javascript make things adaptive images lot car technique solving clown car technique -
Everyday I'm reading or watching something which I find helpful. Normally I bookmark those things, but at the end I have dozen of folders and subfolders which I never check. So, I decided to make such blog post where I'll share valuable things in the net.
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How to use the Chatwing chat software with ease
posted in Other on 2013-06-25 chatwing chat time tool favourite chat box chatwing chat software website things internet world -
That's a guest blog post provided by Chatwing.
The cinemas will be filled with new movies again and I will be expecting more honest reviews from film buffs and wannabes from different parts of the world. Well, one can say that there are always new stuff in the Internet—new trend, new meme, new films, and new books. Everything becomes old in the Internet so fast. Along with these new things, my favourite chat box has started launching new updates. Wait—what is my favourite chat box?
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Chrome extension: debugging dev tools tab or how to make console.log
posted in JavaScript on 2013-06-18 chrome dev tools obj message alert chrome runtime console log bglog function work -
It's really interesting to work on an extension for Chrome. However, sometimes it's a little bit difficult to debug. Especially when you work on a dev tools add-on (i.e. a new tab).
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The Flash Builder debugger failed to connect to the running application.
posted in ActionScript on 2013-06-07 browser debug application flash player run device project time bin debug folder flash builder debugger -
I really don't like FlashBuilder. Mainly because I'm losing a lot of time just to setup the project. Usually when I receive the files I need around 10 hours just to compile successfully. The reasons for those problems are different Flex SDK, different directories' tree, wrong paths, missing libraries or fonts. Today I encounter a brand new type of problem.
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Web Highlights #5
posted in HTML5 on 2013-05-30 http web design article unnecessary paints adobe device google street view code organizing javascript css paint times http www html5rocks -
Everyday I'm reading or watching something which I find helpful. Normally I bookmark those things, but at the end I have dozen of folders and subfolders which I never check. So, I decided to make such blog post where I'll share valuable things in the net.
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Web Highlights #4
posted in HTML5 on 2013-05-15 http performance media queries behavioral breakpoints tools google css transitions great optimize things -
Everyday I'm reading or watching something which I find helpful. Normally I bookmark those things, but at the end I have dozen of folders and subfolders which I never check. So, I decided to make such blog post where I'll share valuable things in the net.
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CSS: transition from pixels to auto
posted in CSS3 on 2013-05-14 height css problem set content column animation slided auto -
As you may know I just updated my web site. There are five columns which nicely slide up and down on a lower resolution. In other words, accordion-like navigation. Initially I made this effect with JavaScript. But there was a bug and I decided to use pure CSS. I wanted to define everything in CSS classes which to add or remove. The idea wasn't bad except the fact that every column contains dynamic content and I wasn't able to set the exact height when the column is slided down.
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Web Highlights #3
posted in HTML5 on 2013-04-22 http answer http www html5rocks css paint times design workflow considerations web design workflow responsive web design -
A bunch of cool stuff ;-)
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What exactly "Retina display" means in the context of the front-end development
posted in HTML5 on 2013-03-26 retina display means simple explanation great article ll suggest lot searched smashingmagazine check -
If you are wonder what exactly "Retina display" means I'll suggest to check this great article in SmashingMagazine. I searched a lot for a simple explanation and that's the best one.
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Douglas Crockford’s Function Challenges
posted in JavaScript on 2013-02-25 function s function challenges crockford s function douglas crockford s called multiple times function challenges test compose functions function scope learn knowledge -
Douglas Crockford’s Function Challenges. Test your knowledge of function scope and and learn to compose functions that can be called multiple times through function returns.
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PHP developers - wake up!
posted in PHP on 2013-01-16 code time things framework don t good modules writing people big -
PHP is one of the most popular back-end solutions available. However, I think that there is something wrong with the way we are using it. It is really popular to use some giant framework, with a lot of features. Generally, I'm not a big fan of this approach. Even if the framework is well documented and has big community it still adds some restrictions and complexity. Many people are trying to build the perfect framework, which covers as many cases as possible, but the true is that it is not possible. In this article I'll present you my vision about PHP programming and I will be very happy if you share yours.
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MySQL vs JSON file data storing
posted in PHP on 2012-02-12 records requests data json ms time request mysql res count array function -
I'm not exactly a performance perfectionist, but currently I'm working on a tool which will be used in a large system. It will deliver texts to a multi-language environment and there will be several sites/apps which will performe big amount of request to it. It is the right moment for me to choose how to speed up my code and the work of the tool overall.
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How to find non-secure items on a page
posted in Other on 2012-02-08 secure items find http www whynopadlock simple web tool internet explorer annoying message repair helps found -
We all know the annoying message of Internet Explorer about non secure items. I just found a simple web tool which helps to find those items and repair them.http://www.whynopadlock.com/
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Adobe\'s strategic transformation and the Flash Platform
posted in ActionScript on 2011-11-20 adobe adobe community read full article social connections touch interfaces fundamental transformation change innovation time devices -
Adobe is in the midst of a fundamental transformation. We are transforming from software in boxes to solutions in the cloud, and to a world of touch interfaces on devices, and social connections everywhere. This is a time of both innovation and change for Adobe and for the Adobe community ...Read the full article here.
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Finally! My Pomodoro Robotlegs timer is here
posted in Inspiration on 2011-09-29 pomodoro timer break method pomodoro robotlegs timer pomodoro technique task stray -
Today I received my Pomodoro Robotlegs timer. Special thanks to Stray and Robotlegs team for this little gem.
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The top 10 SEO myths by Mark Buckingham
posted in Other on 2011-08-20 s matt mcgee land s matt engine land s search engine land s matt cutts google s matt asks leading experts engine optimisation myths search engine optimisation favourite search engine search marketing consultant -
_Search marketing consultant Mark Buckingham destroys his 10 favourite search engine optimisation myths and asks leading experts such as Google's Matt Cutts and Search Engine Land's Matt McGee for their opinion._Check out here.
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AS3: Tracing in Flash/Flex
posted in ActionScript on 2011-08-16 import flash public str function debug movieclip void trace swf class -
Inspired by the article of Dru Kepple I decided to share my experience in Debugging processes in flash/flex enviroment.
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AS3: DataGrid with custom ItemRenderers
posted in ActionScript on 2011-08-11 date data rating datafield var row import mx column private function void datagridcolumn -
One of the big advantages of Flex framework is that you can use a lot of ready components. The DataGrid is really helpful. Especially when you want to list big amount of data and provide ability to edit the information directly in the grid. These days I finished a test task which uses DataGrid and decided to share my experience.
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AS3: runtime font loading (embedding)
posted in ActionScript on 2011-04-25 font field loader import flash swf public static const format font_export_name string font_file_name class -
Flash is wonderful technology and has many advantages. Before a couple of years it was really popuplar to use it for displaying fonts that are not installed on the user's machine. Flash is still powerfull tool for such kind of tasks. These days I worked on a project which had to use a lot of fonts. It wasn't possible to embed all of them so I decided to implement runtime embedding.
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AS3: converting XML to JSON object
posted in ActionScript on 2011-04-02 label url image xml id img cdata node var version xml2json class http site int childnode object -
I'm absolutely sure that you are using external data in your flash/flex applications. It is a good practice to transfer information in XML format. Most of the projects that I'm working on also use XML and in most of them I have a class that converts the data to JSON object. The problem with this workflow is that the parser's logic is always different because the XML is different. These days I wrote a class that solved this problem and directly converted every given XML file to a JSON object.
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PHP: add text to transparent PNG image
posted in PHP on 2011-03-10 im digit image png font originalimage php width -
Simple way to produce numbered image with PHP. The script uses PHP GD.
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Creating mp3 player with RobotLegs (basics tutorial)
posted in ActionScript on 2011-02-09 import public function event data preloaderevent robotlegs events class -
Have you ever wondered how to optimize your ActionScript applications? Have you searched for a nice framework that will save you a lot of time and will organize your structure? If yes then RobotLegs is for you. In this article I'll show you how to use it to create a simple mp3 player which loads a configuration xml file, parse it and play mp3 files.
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Time Warp 2011 - Trailer
posted in Inspiration on 2011-01-29 time warp -
Amazing lineup ...
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Film Inspiration
posted in Inspiration on 2010-11-25 vimeo muestra animada - read more
How to import images directly into the html code (base64)
posted in PHP on 2010-11-11 base64 file html css small form data fp image - read more
How to protect your SWF file
posted in ActionScript on 2010-10-15 function swf protect void check file import flash public ondatafiledtoload onfailed files string -
Is there any way to protect your flash work? To be honest the answer is NO. As you probably know everything that is uploaded on a web server and is accessible from a web browser is downloaded to the users' computers and could be found in the temporary directories. Once someone gets your swf file he could use one of the dozen decompilers to reproduce the .fla and .as files. Anyway, there are still some ways to make stealing difficult.
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Great review for krasimirtsonev.com
posted in Other on 2010-09-27 site navigation simple link clean column tim martinez background work -
Special thanks to Tim Martinez for his review in HumberInteractive.com.Tim Martinez:"The site I chose is the portfolio site of Web Designer and Developer, Krasimir Tsonev.When you hit the site, right off the bat you’re presented with a simple pre-loader and then up comes the navigation. I like the navigation because it starts off centred and one column. I like that the focus is on the navigation and it’s just so clean. The menu has a large font and is easy to read, plus you get a cool rollover. Now when you click on something in the navigation, it gives you what you want right away. When you click on “Work”, then the navigation shifts over and you get a two-column thing going on. The second column then has the submenu items under Work and you get sweet rollovers again. The site’s functionality is very simple. The site’s layout is just so simple. I like it.
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How to create realistic Earth globe in Flash (AS3, Papervision3D)
posted in ActionScript on 2010-09-16 stage globe var import org papervision3d rotationx rotationy moviematerial sphere stage stageheight stage stagewidth -
Papervision3D is a perfect tool for the purpose. As you will see such a task needs only few lines of code. To make the example a little bit more interesting we will add additional code to control the rotation of the globe by the mouse.
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Distort MovieClip in Flash with AS3
posted in ActionScript on 2010-09-05 getrandomnum clip setting mtd tweentype out_expo end getrandomnum distort private function number movieclip distortimagewrapper -
As you probably know there is no simple way to distort a MovieClip in Flash. The solution that I've found uses AS3. Special thanks to Thomas Pfeiffer and Ruben Swieringa. They share their experience with this problem.
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Duplicate loaded images in AS3
posted in ActionScript on 2010-08-30 duplicate target var rect movieclip function bitmap loader import flash display target parent -
During the creation of the latest changes in my portfolio site, I needed to duplicate a loaded image that has to be placed as a material in papervison3d's cube. We don't have duplicateMovieClip in AS3, so we have to use another technique.
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posted in Other on 2010-08-20 rss http krasimirtsonev rss feed url create managed -
Finally I managed to create the RSS feed for this blog. The url is http://krasimirtsonev.com/blog/rss.
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How to use Google Maps API in flash
posted in ActionScript on 2010-08-19 import map flash google maps icon private function adding setting mapevent api -
Google offers a lot of free tools for us. One of them is really useful and easy to work with - GoogleMaps API. In this article I will show you how to import a map in Flash and place an icon in a specific place.
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Papervision3d: Finding 2D coordinates of a 3D object
posted in ActionScript on 2010-07-25 private var 3d number import org papervision3d addsphereandtooltip item mousey mousex basicview displayobject3d event -
Papervision3d is probably the most popular 3D flash engine. There are dozen of applications/sites that use it. These days I also decided to create a 3D effect in my portfolio site. Everything works fine, but I needed a tooltip for each of the 3D objects on my scene. To be able to animate everything I needed 2D coordinates of all my 3D elements.
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Load MySQL data in Flash with AS3
posted in ActionScript on 2010-07-10 text data city import flash ondatafiledtoload php file onloaddata string url -
There are some things that I'm doing in almost every project. Loading of data in Flash is actually one of them. In this article I'll show you how to load information from MySQL database. We will use PHP as a junction between the Flash and the database. You need an Apache server like XAMPP or EasyPHP installed or just a hosting account that supports php.
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Customize ComboBox in Flash (AS3)
posted in ActionScript on 2010-06-17 combo tf data import flash dp additem label customcellrenderer function combo textfield setstyle oncombochange cellrenderer movieclip -
In my work as a flash developer very often I receive from the client just one photoshop file with the design of the application/site that has to be coded. In the last project the designer made the ComboBox in the style of the site. So I couldn't use the default look of the Flash's drop down component.
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Embed fonts in all the text fields of your flash document
posted in ActionScript on 2010-02-26 jsfl script flash embed main flash_cs3_extending pdf http livedocs adobe simply ctrl r commangs run command flash commangs run jsfl embedcharactersintextfield jsfl -
Very helpful solution that will save you maybe several hours. I used JSFL language and very short script to parse all the items in the library. Then for every item just embed the characters that I wanted. Get the script from here http://www.outset.ws/files/jsfl/embedCharactersInTextField.jsfl. In flash: Commangs -> Run command (or simply Ctrl+R) and point the script file.You can download the jsfl documentation from here http://livedocs.adobe.com/flash/9.0/main/flash_cs3_extending.pdf.
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SVET - web based project management system
posted in Other on 2010-01-05 project management system based project management web based project svet make detailed reports specific period working time online notebook work basically -
read moreFinally I finished some bugs of my own project management system and I think it's ready for use. SVET is one of my biggest projects and it's a web based project management system, that helps you to organize your work. Basically it's an online notebook which you can use to store the information for your projects. It enables you to track your working time and communicate with your team and clients. You can also make detailed reports of what you've done for a specific period of time. Please check out here.
Words vs Colors
posted in Design on 2008-08-28 colors desired emotional effect words making choose designers simple association quantify attempts website - read more