VSCode go to definition/implementation fixed
posted in JavaScript on 2020-01-17 vscode typescript intellisense problem implementation working common fixed definition -
I just spent ~2 hours on this and I had to blog about it. I bet I will come back to the same problem and it will be nice to have a quick solution at hand. And the problem that I'm talking about is the non working
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feature of VSCode. Or in other words the JavaScript IntelliSense was not working for me. Of course it was annoying because I had to navigate to files manually via the folder tree on the left or typing the name of the file in the Cmd+Shift+P popup.
Hacking a weird failing HTTP request
posted in Architecture on 2015-12-04 request nginx server st http router problem external api -
I recently finished watching Mr. Robot. If you didn’t check out the show please do. Last few days I felt like I’m hacking something. Just like Elliot in MR. Robot. This blog post is about fixing a weird bug. Really strange problem with a failing HTTP request.
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The proper way of fixing bugs
posted in Must-see on 2015-02-11 bug problem time system parts don t fix steps work -
I could split my programming experience in two parts. The first one is a little bit more creative. That's the time where the application still does not exist. You invent and architect the program. The second part is extending and fixing the already created system. They, these two parts, have their own interesting and boring sides. However, I believe that they both are in the essence of delivering quality software. This article focuses on bug fixing. It aims to give you bunch of advices how to properly handle the problems in your applications.
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Bulgaria Web Summit / must-go conference for the modern web person
posted in Must-see on 2015-02-03 conference problems people speakers bulgaria web summit similar working talks time year -
The year is 2005. At that time I was a student in Technical University of Varna. As every normal student I had to visit the building of the university from time to time.
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Flash CS5 is not working
posted in ActionScript on 2013-12-19 flash cs5 problem -
That's one of those blog post which I'm using as documentation. When I find a bug and I fix it I feel that I have to write the whole process somewhere, because if I meet the same problem in the future I'll really want to save some time. Today I open my Flash CS5 and apparently I can't paint on the stage.
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A bad side effect of the aspect oriented programming
posted in JavaScript on 2013-08-15 thing result function thing prototype dosomething start prototype dosomething function aspect oriented programming problem original class -
I just read this very interesting article published on know.cujojs.com. It's about aspect oriented programming. At the beginning I thought "Oh, that's kinda cool", but when I start thinking about how I'll use it in practice I notice something bad. The blog post itself is well written and informative, but doesn't include any cons of the used technique.
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A strange IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR event dispatched
posted in ActionScript on 2013-06-11 urlrequest var urlloader addeventlistener json encode obj string http site urlstring string http var urlstring string problem -
Really simple GET request from a flex based application. However it fails if GET parameters are passed.
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CSS: transition from pixels to auto
posted in CSS3 on 2013-05-14 height css problem set content column animation slided auto -
As you may know I just updated my web site. There are five columns which nicely slide up and down on a lower resolution. In other words, accordion-like navigation. Initially I made this effect with JavaScript. But there was a bug and I decided to use pure CSS. I wanted to define everything in CSS classes which to add or remove. The idea wasn't bad except the fact that every column contains dynamic content and I wasn't able to set the exact height when the column is slided down.
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CSS: using float property
posted in CSS3 on 2013-04-08 check pen clear float property element floating elements block floated result problem -
float property is one of those CSS rules which are somehow difficult to understand. Before a couple of days I had a problem with floating divs. I solved it and decided to write an article about the solution. The article also covers some basics about floating.
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Make the web faster
posted in HTML5 on 2013-03-31 faster browser applications underlying problem tune slow javascript code js profiler chrome tracing ll talk structural profiler pages chrome devtools built build -
Slow JavaScript code on your pages? Chrome provides both a sampling, and a structural profiler to help you track down, isolate, and fix the underlying problem. Tune in to learn how to use both profilers, and how to improve your own workflow to build better, faster browser applications! We'll talk about chrome://tracing, the built-in JS profiler in DevTools, and much more.
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\"This page contains both secure and non secure items\" message
posted in PHP on 2011-05-26 content problem http page featureloader js php https protocol -
When you are opening a site via https protocol and there are items loaded with absolute addresses started with http some browsers, like IE, throw a message This page contains both secure and non-secure items. It is really annoying and if the user decides to can prevent these items of showing and he can brake the whole layout or some functionality.
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Another IE surprise
posted in JavaScript on 2011-05-19 createstylesheet problem createstylesheet k found usage -
We all know that the usage of InternetExplorer brings a lot of problems for us (the developers). Did you know that there is a JavaScript method createStyleSheet that you can call only 31 times.
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Change the quality of all the bitmaps of your flash document
posted in ActionScript on 2010-12-15 problem bitmaps arsthanea check flash provided ve met extension jsfl solutions edit library -
I know that you've met this problem. You have a lot of bitmaps in your library and you have to edit all of them one by one. There are several solutions of this problem. One of them is to use JSFL. There is another one - an extension for Flash provided by ArsThanea. Check it out here.
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Flash CS3 crashes when closing the testing window !
posted in ActionScript on 2008-11-14 textfield crashes testing window flash scrolling text field creating scrolling text mask directly m working bkwld problem applied -
I'm working with a class for creating scrolling text field. So I'm using a MovieClip as mask and TextField. When I test the movie and close the testing window Flash just crashes. It's because I have applied the mask directly to the TextField :) The problem is described here. Thank you BKWLD !
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