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Debugging your front-end like it's 2019

posted in JavaScript on 2018-01-20   kuker step answer redux state events robot event result

(If you are lazy jump to this section to learn what is this article all about.)

Remember The Island movie from 2005. I watched it again these days and I realized that the old sci-fi titles start with something really interesting. It is funny how they create a world of flying vehicles and say something like "The year is 2019 …". Well, we are 2018 and the public transport is still on the ground. We still can't clone people (I hope so) or travel in a giant spaceship which looks like a fully-functional city.

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NADCAST.09 с Радо Станков

posted in NADCAST on 2017-10-23   link react https facebook license nadcast graphql http state facebook event link

Епизод 9 на NADCAST е с Радо Станков. Основно си поговорихме за React и нашумелите около библиотеката теми. Приятно слушане :)

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Bulgaria Web Summit 2017 is just around the corner

posted in Must-see on 2017-01-30   ll day time talk nice interesting events good happy

One of my favorite conferences Bulgaria Web Summit 2017 is just around the corner. I’m happy to attend again. The organizer prepared a good set of speakers and the event is two days this year.

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Rethinking JavaScript readability

posted in JavaScript on 2015-08-10   function moveforward var code return callwith skipped event bind

You probably know the famous quote that the code should be written for humans to understand and accidentally for computers to execute. Writing code that compiles is easy. Writing readable code is completely different thing. Working in a team is like sharing the kitchen with your roommates. You all should care for the dishes and keep clean. And it is not only because of the others but because of you. You don’t want your dinner in a mixed place and dirty dishes right.

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ToDoMVC with AbsurdJS

posted in JavaScript on 2014-07-26   model function js todos app main css component absurdjs event

You've probably heard about ToDoMVC project. It's same ToDo application made with different frameworks. It's interesting how the same problem is solved by different programmers following different concepts. This article is about making the ToDoMVC application with AbsurdJS.

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"Help, I'm stuck in an event-loop" by Philip Roberts

posted in Must-see on 2014-06-22   event loop javascript philip roberts m stuck words

Us JavaScript programmers like to use words like, "event-loop", "non-blocking", "callback", "asynchronous", "single-threaded" and "concurrency". We say things like "don't block the event loop", "make sure your code runs at 60 frames-per-second", "well of course, it won't work, that function is an asynchronous callback!".

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Managing events in JavaScript

posted in JavaScript on 2013-08-23   model function var view controller eventbus callback function var scope event

I just noticed that the most popular repository in my GitHub account is EventBus. There is already an article about it, but it's a little bit outdated. I needed to clarify few things, so here is a new one.

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Managing events in JavaScript

posted in Must-see on 2013-08-23   model function var view controller eventbus callback function var scope event

I just noticed that the most popular repository in my GitHub account is EventBus. There is already an article about it, but it's a little bit outdated. I needed to clarify few things, so here is a new one.

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Send message from web page to chrome extension\'s background script

posted in JavaScript on 2013-08-22   script event web page document function message content script background script send

I just answer on that question in StackOverflow. I think that this is a common quetion so it worths writing about it.

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Stay tuned / conferences that you should know about

posted in Must-see on 2013-08-02   conference official page talks web videos https vimeo event conferences mobile speakers

Nowadays is really difficult to be up to date with the latest technologies, concepts or tools. There are several ways to accomplish this. You could use RSS, check blogs regularly or follow as many people as possible in Twitter/Facebook. My way is to watch videos from various conferences.

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JavaScript is cool

posted in JavaScript on 2013-07-23   var function class return instance pubmethod module event function return

I'm writing a lot of JavaScript these days. Sometimes it's really crazy what you can do with that language. I have bunch of tools in my arsenal and I wanted to document them somehow. Writing an article is a good option. By tools I mean patterns, piece of logic or just syntax shortcuts. However, this article is not exactly about design patterns, but it uses some of them. It's just about few ideas, which I came into during my daily scripting.

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A strange IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR event dispatched

posted in ActionScript on 2013-06-11   urlrequest var urlloader addeventlistener json encode obj string http site urlstring string http var urlstring string problem

Really simple GET request from a flex based application. However it fails if GET parameters are passed.

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VarnaLab Challenges event

posted in Inspiration on 2012-09-18   varnalab varnalab challanges html www varnalab org http www varnalab varnalab http www great event coming

A great event is coming in VarnaLab -

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VarnaConf 2012 - a great event for developers

posted in Inspiration on 2012-08-07   hrabar free university chernorizets hrabar free visit chernorizets hrabar http varnaconf event lecturers great speakers interesting conference varna bulgaria saturday

If you are in Varna, Bulgaria this Saturday please visit "Chernorizets Hrabar" Free University of Varna. Really interesting conference, with great speakers. More about the event, lecturers and everything else here

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Creating mp3 player with RobotLegs (basics tutorial)

posted in ActionScript on 2011-02-09   import public function event data preloaderevent robotlegs events class

Have you ever wondered how to optimize your ActionScript applications? Have you searched for a nice framework that will save you a lot of time and will organize your structure? If yes then RobotLegs is for you. In this article I'll show you how to use it to create a simple mp3 player which loads a configuration xml file, parse it and play mp3 files.

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JavaScript: managing events (dispatch, listen)

posted in JavaScript on 2011-01-06   function event events dispatch classname type eventbus addeventlistener testclass2 testclass1 var

As a huge fen of the flash platform, I always like to work with events. The events system in ActionScript3 is really helpful when we are building a big application with many modules and we want to keep them independent. JavaScript hasn't native support of events, but we can still use them.

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How to use Google Maps API in flash

posted in ActionScript on 2010-08-19   import map flash google maps icon private function adding setting mapevent api

Google offers a lot of free tools for us. One of them is really useful and easy to work with - GoogleMaps API. In this article I will show you how to import a map in Flash and place an icon in a specific place.

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Papervision3d: Finding 2D coordinates of a 3D object

posted in ActionScript on 2010-07-25   private var 3d number import org papervision3d addsphereandtooltip item mousey mousex basicview displayobject3d event

Papervision3d is probably the most popular 3D flash engine. There are dozen of applications/sites that use it. These days I also decided to create a 3D effect in my portfolio site. Everything works fine, but I needed a tooltip for each of the 3D objects on my scene. To be able to animate everything I needed 2D coordinates of all my 3D elements.

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Flex DataGrid vertical scrolling bug

posted in ActionScript on 2009-09-09   datagrid data_change listener datagrid flexevent data_change listener invalidateproperties flexevent data_change itemrenderer invalidateproperties flexevent itemrenderer itemrenderer invalidateproperties custom itemrenderer itemrenderer datagrid custom itemrenderer
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