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A story about React, Redux and server-side rendering

posted in JavaScript on 2018-06-29   server app store react js data users content div redux

Long long time ago in a kingdom far far away there was an app. The app was supported by the well known React and Redux families but there was a problem. It was damn slow. People started complaining and the app had to do something. It had to deliver its content quickly so it provides better user experience. Then the server-side rendering was born.

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React and separation of concerns

posted in JavaScript on 2018-05-27   loading users return error component react function data app css

Years ago when Facebook announced their JSX syntax we had a wave of comments how this was against some of the well established good practices. The main point of most people was that it violates the separation of concerns. They said that React and its JSX are mixing HTML, CSS and JavaScript which were suppose to be separated.

In this article we will see how React and its ecosystem has quite good separation of concerns. We will prove that markup, styles and logic may live in the same JavaScript land and still be separated.

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Win Free Copies of my new book – Node.js Blueprints

posted in Nodejs on 2014-08-12   node js book array top winners writing users tmp var array current array

Readers would be pleased to know that I have teamed up with Packt Publishing to organize a Giveaway of a new book written by me - Node.js Blueprints. And three lucky winners stand a chance to win 3 e-copies of this book. Keep reading to find out how you can be one of the Lucky Winners.

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Usersnap - the holy grail of bug reporting

posted in Must-see on 2014-07-15   usersnap data xmlhttp json function script project client s page

The bug reporting is something very important for us. As developers, we produce code that should work everywhere. Not only on our machines. No matter how many times we test our application it often happens that it does not work properly for the client. We all know how helpful is an email with text “It does not work. Fix it ASAP!”. Usersnap is amazing tool that removes the gap between you (the developer) and the non-techy guy from the other side.

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Win Free Copies of the new book - Getting Started with Grunt

posted in JavaScript on 2014-04-15   grunt array winners book top task tasks users tmp shuffle

Hi guys, you would be pleased to know that I have teamed up with Packt Publishing to organize a Giveaway of the new book - Getting Started with Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner. And three lucky winners stand a chance to win 3 digital copies of this book. Keep reading to find out how you can be one of the Lucky Winners.

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An alternative JavaScript for loop syntax

posted in JavaScript on 2013-11-08   users var syntax user users var users undefined elements array

As javascript developers we all have to write a lot of for loops. Before a couple of months I saw an alternative syntax, which I really liked. It saves some time and it looks much nicer. However, one of my colleagues reported that this fancy syntax is not working as it should.

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Real time game with NodeJS and

posted in Nodejs on 2013-05-13   user var function users socket io game data end clicks currentwidth

NodeJS gives me the ability to write back-end code in one of my favorite languages - JavaScript. It's the perfect technology for real time applications. In this tutorial I'll show you how to build a web chat with

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PHP: the right way

posted in PHP on 2012-07-09   php bad http www phptherightway web http www accepted coding standards practices accepted coding read quick reference propagating bad practices astray propagating bad users astray propagating

There’s a lot of bad information on the Web (I’m looking at you, W3Schools) that leads new PHP users astray, propagating bad practices and bad code. This must stop. PHP: The Right Way is an easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web.

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Trace JSON object in AS3

posted in ActionScript on 2010-07-17   str description gettypeof o spaces var object information users

I'm absolutely sure that all of you are working with JSON objects. It's pretty helpful to be able to print them and find out what exactly they contain. I wrote a simple function that makes this possible.

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