Introduction to animations in HTML
posted in HTML5 on 2013-07-30 animation var animations css function element class add -
Last few years designers use a lot of animations directly in the HTML. That's of course kinda cool, because you don't need a plugin in order to see their work. There are several ways to make animations in HTML. It's an interesting subject and I decided to make a short research and summarize the information.
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CSS: transition from pixels to auto
posted in CSS3 on 2013-05-14 height css problem set content column animation slided auto -
As you may know I just updated my web site. There are five columns which nicely slide up and down on a lower resolution. In other words, accordion-like navigation. Initially I made this effect with JavaScript. But there was a bug and I decided to use pure CSS. I wanted to define everything in CSS classes which to add or remove. The idea wasn't bad except the fact that every column contains dynamic content and I wasn't able to set the exact height when the column is slided down.
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