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13 Years of Blogging

posted in Must-see on 2021-12-31   blog top year

I'm committing to posting a report at the end of each year. A report about this blog. I did the last one five years ago when this place was eight years old.

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iPhone stuck on the Apple logo

posted in Other on 2020-11-27   iphone stuck broken apple logo

Last weekend I was helping a friend to deal with his "broken" iPhone XR. It was stuck on the Apple logo. No mather what we do the phone was just black and the apple shows up.

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From 0 to 100 GitHub stars in a week

posted in JavaScript on 2020-02-27   github stars project branding promote octomments krasimir write idea https github blog align center don t easy section add https post link javascript reddit facebook make time

2020 for me started with the release of several OS projects. Two of them reached 100 stars in a week and I was thinking that would be nice sharing my workflow. Not like it is working every time, absolutely not, but leads to some good results.

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Part 2: Riew - reactive view basics

posted in Riew on 2020-01-06   riew csp routine go javascript channels channels channel const javascript function ch view console log

Riew is a library based on communicating sequential processes (CSP). It is made to help with communication and synchronization between your view and business logic. It's distributed as a npm package, it has 0 dependencies and adds ~8KBs (gzip) to your application on production.

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Part 3: Riew - reactive view in patterns

posted in Riew on 2020-01-06   riew csp routine go javascript channels console log yield krasimir riew https github function state const

In this article we will see some use cases of Riew. Those are patterns which I found repeating while using the library. There are other blog posts part of the same series and I will suggest checking at least this one so you get a basic understanding before jumping into the code snippets below.

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Make your objects iterable

posted in JavaScript on 2019-11-01   javascript iterator skills console log javascript const lastname object react parts user method

Just recently I became a fan of the iterable protocol. I knew about it for some time now but never actually integrated it on my own. I ended up using it to provide a nice API for one of my libraries and I thought that this approach worth sharing.

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Rethinking the Redux API

posted in JavaScript on 2019-09-10   redux const state login username password authenticated action function reducer

I really like Redux. I Love its ideas. The reducers for example - small pure functions that apply changes without side effects are nice way to model the mutations in the state. Redux also teaches us to use the one-direction data flow which makes our apps more predictable and stable. These two things fits well for what we are doing on the front-end - building user interfaces.

Of course there is nothing perfect and Redux as every other library has its own problems. In this article I want to explore some ideas for new APIs that will help solving the problems that I encounter. I’ll be happy to see your comments below.

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From PHP to Node with Zeit's lambdas and

posted in JavaScript on 2019-05-23   https blog cypress content zeit html javascript article articles

The first post in this blog was published on 25th of August 2008. This place was always living on a shared PHP/MySQL hosting. It was driven by a custom made PHP CMS for over 10 years. It is time to move forward and follow my actual language of choice - JavaScript. I spent some time recently migrating it to Zeit and this article is showing my process.

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Meet the JavaScript pattern of the year or how to handle async like a boss

posted in JavaScript on 2017-11-24   generator player function result return position error const console log yield call player

Sometimes when you learn something new you get really excited. Excited to that level so you want to teach it to someone. That is the case with the concept which I found a couple of months ago. It is an implementation of the command pattern using generators. Or the well known saga used in the redux-saga library. In this article we will see how the idea makes our asynchronous code simpler and easy to read. We will also implement it ourself using generators.

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Getting from Redux to a state machine

posted in JavaScript on 2017-11-10   state error machine const user redux credentials login submit stent

This article is about Stent - a Redux-liked library that creates and manages state machines. Stent implements some of the Redux’s core ideas and in fact looks a lot like it. At the end of this post we will see that both libraries have a lot in common. Stent is just using state machines under the hood and eliminates some of the boilerplate that comes with Redux’s workflow.

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You are managing state? Think twice.

posted in JavaScript on 2017-10-27   state input false state machine isinprogress request isloggedin submit states message

Recently I started questioning the state management in React applications. I’ve made some really interesting conclusions and in this article I’ll show you that what we call a state management may not be exactly about managing state.

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8 Years of blogging

posted in Must-see on 2017-01-02   javascript top year years pseudo elements css visits blog convert html string practice node js

The first article on this blog is published on 22th of August 2008. It’s about a website which I saw at FWA. Eight years later I’m still publishing stuff here and because it is the beginning of a new year I decided to give you some statistics.

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How require/import may decrease your testability

posted in JavaScript on 2015-08-23   login http js function var module password username login js user promise

When CommonJS was announced we all thought “Finally something that will organize our code”. However, there are some cons that we should be aware of. It’s not only unicorns and rainbows. In this article we will see how a simple require line makes our code difficult to test.

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Merry Front-End Christmas

posted in Must-see on 2014-12-24   making talk ll capabilities technologies make language testing big

Christmas is just around the corner. I thought that I should post something. Recently I watchedvideos from two big front-end conferences. So, here is my present for you. A few talks that I think worth attention.

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My front-end performance case study

posted in Must-see on 2014-08-25   css file blog time page images performance pagespeedinsights main

I’m reading and watching a lot of interesting things regarding client-side performance. I’m interested in the browser’s processes happening before and just after the page’s load. There are tons of stuff to think about. Before a couple of days, I joined the online workshop of Vitaly Friedman. I had a great time and learned some clever facts about performance optimization.

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Node.js: managing child processes

posted in Nodejs on 2014-05-21   error stdout js exec console log stderr visits function var module

These days I spent some time working on Yez!. Chrome extension whose main role is to replace the annoying switching between the terminal and the browser. It uses Node.js module to run shell commands. So, I had to deal with child processes, and I decided to document my experience.

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No back-end blog solution with Node.js and Markdown

posted in Nodejs on 2014-04-22   articles techy md tags article blog html page sidebar content

Before a couple of weeks I published Techy. It's a flat CMS based on Node.js and Markdown. I made it because I wanted to write my articles in Markdown format and avoid the annoying publishing workflow which I'm using now. I feel that it's not very clear how Techy works and decided to create a simple blog illustrating the processes.

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Web Highlights #7

posted in Inspiration on 2013-07-27   http twitter design web case study sass media queries blog things

Everyday I'm reading or watching something which I find helpful. Normally I bookmark those things, but at the end I have dozen of folders and subfolders which I never check. So, I decided to make such blog post where I'll share valuable things in the net.

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JavaScript: sequencing function calls #2

posted in JavaScript on 2013-07-10   chain error console log arguments function res chain errors run object chainends

I created a simple JavaScript library for running functions in a sequence. The story behind this is published here. Today I made few interesting changes which deserve a new blog post.

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JavaScript: sequencing function calls

posted in JavaScript on 2013-07-09   function var callback run element chain function res type console log

While I'm working on Auxilio I end up in a sitatuation where I have to call few javascript functions in a sequence. It's an interesting how this could be solved and I'll be happy if you share your opinion for such problem.

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Deploying ExpressionEngine based site

posted in PHP on 2013-06-25   php file database config files dblogger sql local operations define

I found ExpressionEngine framework very good. It brings the flexibility which I need and still has a good amount of features. However, as many other similar tools, the deployment could be a little bit difficult.

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Chrome extension: debugging dev tools tab or how to make console.log

posted in JavaScript on 2013-06-18   chrome dev tools obj message alert chrome runtime console log bglog function work

It's really interesting to work on an extension for Chrome. However, sometimes it's a little bit difficult to debug. Especially when you work on a dev tools add-on (i.e. a new tab).

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How to Design Responsively

posted in Must-see on 2013-06-10   design responsively developers david walsh write long articles http davidwalsh web designer responsive design big difficult find blog article

It's a little big difficult for me to write long articles. This one is maybe the longest, which I ever wrote :) It collects my experience with responsive design. I believe that the ideas described in the material are important for our work as web designer and developers. David Walsh was really kind by publishing the article on his blog. You can find it here

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Catch uncaught Exception in Node.JS

posted in Nodejs on 2013-03-15   exception console log run

I'm working on a very simple tool which compiles some stuff. The big problem is that if I write something wrong I can't catch the exception from the compiler and the nodejs's process exists. Then I have to go back to the console and run the app again. That's of course not acceptable. Thankfully there is a workaround.

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Testing with headless browser (Zombie.js + Jasmine)

posted in Nodejs on 2012-10-14   browser function login site expect browser test testing input zombie css selectors

I was planning to post this article a few weeks ago, but today I finally finished the examples and I can't wait to share it. We all know that the testing is a big part of our daily tasks and we should use every existing tool to make our lives easier. I really like test driven development and once I found the concept of the headless browsing I started to think that we can automate every single aspect of the testing. In this post I'll show you how to use Nodejs to test a simple php site.

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Improve SVN logging

posted in Other on 2012-09-27   log v xml svn log v sed e s revprops l g sed e msg author date egrep msg author

svn log - that\\'s something that I\\'m using every day. Before to release the application\\'s code in the production environment I always check the latest commits just to make sure that is safety to proceed. svn log is far from the perfect command for the purpose, but with several tweaks you can get the needed information.

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What is JavaScript prototype by Angus Croll

posted in JavaScript on 2012-06-30   javascript prototype understanding javascript prototypes http javascriptweblog wordpress language http javascriptweblog javascript language http context explanations

Maybe one of the best explanations of the prototype in the context of JavaScript language.

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AS3: Creating Facebook Application

posted in ActionScript on 2011-07-08   facebook function response http application log friends id api

Facebook became one of the most popular social platforms these days. I just finished a flash based game that uses their API and decided to share my experience.

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Javascript: handling keyboard shortcuts with jQuery

posted in JavaScript on 2011-01-19   ctrl shift f9 document log key jquery

Last few years the JavaScript frameworks are big part of our web sites. I strongly recommend the usage of tools like jQuery or MooTools, because they will save you a lot of time and problems. These days I needed to create a keyboard shortcut for one of the projects that I'm working on. I wanted to catch the Ctrl+Shift+F9 combination. It was just a few lines of code and I decided to share it with you.

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Apple App Store Opens its Doors to Adobe Flash

posted in Other on 2010-09-14   flash devices twitter lit ios devices twitter party development tools 3rd party development apple announce removal active tutsplus full article speculation began blogosphere jumped

_"Yesterday saw Apple announce removal of the infamous restrictions on 3rd party development tools for iOS devices. Twitter lit up, the blogosphere jumped into gear and speculation began in earnest. So what’s this all about and what does it mean for Flash?"_The full article on here.

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Любими блогове

posted in Inspiration on 2009-10-04   http http www http www plat4m web http www http blog arsthanea http www riznlog http www sephiroth http www smashingmagazine photoshop http www tutorial photoshop http
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