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Bulgaria Web Summit / must-go conference for the modern web person

posted in Must-see on 2015-02-03   conference problems people speakers bulgaria web summit similar working talks time year

The year is 2005. At that time I was a student in Technical University of Varna. As every normal student I had to visit the building of the university from time to time.

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posted in Must-see on 2014-05-13   talk end conference nice interesting talked rest people track day things chance

Okey, I normally don't write such articles. The things that I am writing about are technical stuff, concepts, experiments related to my job. However, this time will be a little bit different. I had a chance to speak at Codefront conference. And because it was so awesome I decided to share my experience.

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PHP developers - wake up!

posted in PHP on 2013-01-16   code time things framework don t good modules writing people big

PHP is one of the most popular back-end solutions available. However, I think that there is something wrong with the way we are using it. It is really popular to use some giant framework, with a lot of features. Generally, I'm not a big fan of this approach. Even if the framework is well documented and has big community it still adds some restrictions and complexity. Many people are trying to build the perfect framework, which covers as many cases as possible, but the true is that it is not possible. In this article I'll present you my vision about PHP programming and I will be very happy if you share yours.

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The Principles of Agile Development

posted in Architecture on 2012-07-10   agile development principles http net tutsplus sides http net fun developing software agile development agile articles general communication easy business people constructive

Agile or Agile Development – we hear these words more often these days. But do we really know what it is all about? How can it help us become more effective, while having lots of fun developing software? How can we use it to communicate with business people and make this communication easy and constructive for both sides?

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