Why and how I built my own alternative of the GitHub's UI
posted in JavaScript on 2019-04-25 igit code github context time api code review roger app -
I'm using Git and GitHub in particular a lot. And when I say a lot I really mean all the time. Recently I tracked a week of work and found that 62% of my working time goes into code reviews. Sometimes I'm checking out a branch locally and trying stuff but really most of my time goes into github.com. I spent some time analyzing why the code review process is so time consuming for me. I identified couple of reasons, made a tool and changed some of my habits. In this article I'll show you how I improved my code review speed and lower the time to 38%.
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Hungry for knowledge #2 - the Sunday's talks collection
posted in Must-see on 2014-06-29 thinking digital web conference talk videos lie thinking digital aral balkan free sites -
It's again Sunday and I'm planning to watch talks. Last week few conferences shared their recordings. I got some nice videos from Twitter and again my bookmarks bar is full with YouTube and Vimeo links. So, it's time to clear it a bit and make room for the next weekend. Here is my plan:
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