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How to use the Chatwing chat software with ease

posted in Other on 2013-06-25   chatwing chat time tool favourite chat box chatwing chat software website things internet world

That's a guest blog post provided by Chatwing.

The cinemas will be filled with new movies again and I will be expecting more honest reviews from film buffs and wannabes from different parts of the world. Well, one can say that there are always new stuff in the Internet—new trend, new meme, new films, and new books. Everything becomes old in the Internet so fast. Along with these new things, my favourite chat box has started launching new updates. Wait—what is my favourite chat box?

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How to find non-secure items on a page

posted in Other on 2012-02-08   secure items find http www whynopadlock simple web tool internet explorer annoying message repair helps found

We all know the annoying message of Internet Explorer about non secure items. I just found a simple web tool which helps to find those items and repair them.

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