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What exactly "Retina display" means in the context of the front-end development

posted in HTML5 on 2013-03-26   retina display means simple explanation great article ll suggest lot searched smashingmagazine check

If you are wonder what exactly "Retina display" means I'll suggest to check this great article in SmashingMagazine. I searched a lot for a simple explanation and that's the best one.

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The Open-Closed Principle

posted in Architecture on 2011-12-18   principle classes modules functions entities classes modules software entities classes called open closed robert c martin great article modification extension

That's a great article by Robert C. Martin. It's one of those articles that really may change something in your programming. The principle is called Open-Closed and it says:_SOFTWARE ENTITIES (CLASSES, MODULES, FUNCTIONS, ETC.) SHOULD BE OPEN FOR EXTENSION, BUT CLOSED FOR MODIFICATION._More about that here.

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How TDD and Pairing Increase Production by

posted in Architecture on 2011-12-12   pairing increase production tdd period http anarchycreek article period http great article period

Just a great article. Period!

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