Miss Piggy - a test runner for Puppeteer
posted in JavaScript on 2021-02-01 puppeteer test runner tagmanager -
These days I did (again) a bunch of changes in Google tag manager. This time however was more of a refactoring exercise. So, I had to prove that the tags that were placed before the refactoring exist after the refactoring. And what we programmers do in such cases - we write tests.
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Hopa - zero config CLI that runs JavaScript and TypeScript
posted in JavaScript on 2020-01-12 hopa runner typescript javascript babel typescript io webpack https code don t krasimir hopa -
Yesterday was one of those days. I stumbled a task and wanted to find the right tool for it. That same task is on my way at least twice a week and I always refuse to optimize it. Because it was a weekend I decided to spend some time and research a proper tool for the job. Well, I find nothing that suites my need. I time-boxed a hour and said F.ck it!. I will code it myself. That's how Hopa was born - a zero config CLI that runs JavaScript and TypeScript. Transpiles, bundles, watches and executes code.
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Book review: Getting Started with Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner
posted in Nodejs on 2014-04-21 book grunt experience free javascript task runner helpful started -
I just finishing reading Getting Started with Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner. The same book that we (I and Packt publishing) run a contest for. You could still joint it here and win a free copy.
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