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Stay tuned / conferences that you should know about

posted in Must-see on 2013-08-02   conference official page talks web videos https vimeo event conferences mobile speakers

Nowadays is really difficult to be up to date with the latest technologies, concepts or tools. There are several ways to accomplish this. You could use RSS, check blogs regularly or follow as many people as possible in Twitter/Facebook. My way is to watch videos from various conferences.

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Brad Frost - For a Future Friendly Web - Mobile Mobile Conf 2013

posted in Must-see on 2013-07-16   mobile create

"As the digital landscape continues to become more complex, it's essential for us to start thinking beyond the desktop and embrace the unpredictability of the future. Mobile is forcing us to rethink the content we create and the context in which people interact with our products and services. This session will cover how to change our thinking and start acting differently in order to create more future-friendly experiences"

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How to Design Responsively

posted in Design on 2013-06-25   design web mobile content good browser responsive design css

In this article I want to share my thoughts regarding responsive design. I made several talks on this subject and this post is some kind of summary. The article presents concepts like mobile first and design in the browser.

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Web Highlights #1

posted in HTML5 on 2013-04-05   http things tablets viewport sizes front end architecture pixel mobiles make

Everyday I'm reading or watching something which I find helpful. Normally I bookmark those things, but at the end I have dozen of folders and subfolders which I never check. So, I decided to make such blog post where I'll share valuable things in the net.

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