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Recreating Facebook's Recoil library

posted in JavaScript on 2020-07-12   recoil facebook state management mycoil facebook s recoil counter atoms atom component library formattedcountervalue selector key function javascript subscribers hook const return

This weekend I decided to play with the new kid on the block - Facebook's Recoil library for managing state. I did the trivial counter example to see how it works. It's pretty simple idea so I wondered how much it takes to replicate its features. I found the exact answer - 70 lines of code. Obviously, my implementation didn't cover everything but it was fun so I decided to share my findings.

(A side note: I did not look at the code of Recoil. I didn't want to be bias on how to write my version.)

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Meet Evala - your terminal in the browser

posted in JavaScript on 2018-02-14   shell evala socket terminal app open browser term data web chrome

On my machine I have four applications always open - VSCode, Chrome, iTerm and Slack. I spend most of my time in Chrome and VSCode. My editor is full with awesome extensions and I feel pretty good there. What I am doing for the browser is making sure that I have fewer tabs open and install only extensions that I really use. One thing though I can achieve so far. I can't find the perfect new tab extension.

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posted in Cinema on 2015-12-04   uncanny valley

In the slums of the future, virtual reality junkies satisfy their violent impulses in online entertainment. An expert player discovers that the line between games and reality is starting to fade away. 3DAR’s latest short film explores the frightening potential of our next technological revolution. Behind the scenes coming soon! Stay connected, but not too much ;)

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Mastering the DOM access

posted in JavaScript on 2014-02-28   el parent var dom api return selector function val element

If you build web applications you probably communicate with the DOM a lot. Accessing and manipulating DOM elements is the thing which we do almost every day. Very often we collect information from different controls, we need to set values, change the content of div or span tags. Of course there are million libraries which handle these actions. The most popular jQuery, is de factor a standard. However, sometimes you need something smaller. In this article we will build our own class for managing DOM elements.

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SASS: universal mixin for box model properties

posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-09   border left bottom mixin values border top padding margin property

I'm currently working on OrganicCSS - a micro framework based on atomic CSS concept. I'm thinking a lot for name conventions, classes and of course mixins. I decided to combine three mixins in a file called _box-model.scss. They will provide a shortcuts for margin, padding and border properties.

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Javascript string replace and regular expression

posted in JavaScript on 2013-06-15   word git replace string innerhtml text replace element innerhtml text changetext function word creator linus torvalds linux creator linus source project started

The replace method in JavaScript is pretty much the same as in the other languages. Replace part/s of a string with something else. However, there are some tricky moments and I wanted to write this article, because I met this problem several times in the past. Actually, very often I use my blog as a documentation for myself and this is one of those cases. Probably I'll be in the same situation after week or so and I'll just check here for the proper solution.

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AS3: Dealing with multi-language data in your application

posted in ActionScript on 2011-06-16   language storage key class text key string static storage addvalue http www site trace storage getvalue

I'm a big fen of the MVC pattern. I like the idea to store my data in one place and be able to get it fast. In most of my projects I used a class called Storage for similar purpose. It supports a multi-language data saving, so I decided to share it with you.

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F5 2011 RE:PLAY Film Festival. Inductance

posted in Inspiration on 2011-05-17   film festival inductance play film festival
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Apple App Store Opens its Doors to Adobe Flash

posted in Other on 2010-09-14   flash devices twitter lit ios devices twitter party development tools 3rd party development apple announce removal active tutsplus full article speculation began blogosphere jumped

_"Yesterday saw Apple announce removal of the infamous restrictions on 3rd party development tools for iOS devices. Twitter lit up, the blogosphere jumped into gear and speculation began in earnest. So what’s this all about and what does it mean for Flash?"_The full article on here.

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Flex DataGrid vertical scrolling bug

posted in ActionScript on 2009-09-09   datagrid data_change listener datagrid flexevent data_change listener invalidateproperties flexevent data_change itemrenderer invalidateproperties flexevent itemrenderer itemrenderer invalidateproperties custom itemrenderer itemrenderer datagrid custom itemrenderer
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