SASS: universal mixin for box model properties
I'm currently working on OrganicCSS - a micro framework based on atomic CSS concept. I'm thinking a lot for name conventions, classes and of course mixins. I decided to combine three mixins in a file called _box-model.scss. They will provide a shortcuts for margin, padding and border properties.
That's what I start from:
@mixin margin($values...) {
margin: $values;
@mixin padding($values...) {
padding: $values;
@mixin border($values...) {
border: $values;
I could say that for margin and padding such kind of mixin is good enough. However the border once is not flexible at all. That's because very often I set only border-top property. So, instead of that I decided to pass four parameters and transform the code to
@mixin border($top, $right, $bottom, $left) {
border-top: $top;
border-right: $right;
border-bottom: $bottom;
border-left: $left;
But now it requires four arguments to be passed. That's not good, because I'll have to write more, which is exactly the opposite of what I was trying to achieve. Thankfully SASS offers default values for the mixin's parameters and this helps a lot.
@mixin border($top: none, $right: none, $bottom: none, $left: none) {
border-top: $top;
border-right: $right;
border-bottom: $bottom;
border-left: $left;
So, the mixin changes several times and I simply wrote a short list of requirements, which I wanted to accomplish:
- should accept no arguments
- should reset the property
- should support applying value to only certain versions of the property (i.e. border-left, border-right etc ...)
- it should be possible to pass only one parameter and apply it to all the versions sides
A good check list, isn't it. The first one could be covered if I define default values for all the arguments. The second one is also doable if the defaults are properly set. And the fact that I have predefined values means that I'm able to send only the last property, so the third point could be also marked as done. The last one is a little bit tricky and require the usage of @if directive. Here is the final version:
@mixin border($top: none, $right: none, $bottom: none, $left: none) {
border-top: $top;
@if $right == none {
border-right: $top;
} @else {
border-right: $right;
@if $bottom == none {
border-bottom: $top;
} @else {
border-bottom: $bottom;
@if $left == none {
border-left: $top;
} @else {
border-left: $left;
I used the same concept for padding and margin mixins.