Running Prettier for specific Git branch
posted in Architecture on 2020-01-14 prettier git bash script branch file awk print echo file awk run prettier line column file mode files project -
I'm working on a project in my own git branch. At the end of my working day I want to do one thing - run Prettier so my code is nicely formatted before I submit the PR for code review. Of course I know about the VSCode Prettier extension but right now my editor is kinda broken and I don't want to mess with it. I'm still on my branch and I run Prettier from the terminal. All good but the amount of changes that happened is so big that my 50+ loc updates are like a needle in a haystack. It is like that because apparently there are already malformatted files in the project. It is definitely not possible to understand what I did because of so much noise. So ... I want to run Prettier but only on the files that I touched in that particular branch.
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AST fun. Remove a function call from your bundle
posted in JavaScript on 2020-01-13 javascript ast bundle object property path callee javascript esprima node const type -
I'm working on a small library that has a logger. I'm bundling the app to a single file and I want to disable the logger for the production version. In this blog post we will see how I removed the
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calls from my bundle using AST (abstract syntax tree).
"The Candidate" by David Karlak
posted in Cinema on 2020-01-12 cinema short film secret society http www davidkarlak https www youtube -
The story follows a secret society whose purpose is to find people who don’t deserve to live and to kill them with their thoughts. The tension between the pessimistic protagonist and the liaison of the secret society comes to a head in a riveting twist.
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Hopa - zero config CLI that runs JavaScript and TypeScript
posted in JavaScript on 2020-01-12 hopa runner typescript javascript babel typescript io webpack https code don t krasimir hopa -
Yesterday was one of those days. I stumbled a task and wanted to find the right tool for it. That same task is on my way at least twice a week and I always refuse to optimize it. Because it was a weekend I decided to spend some time and research a proper tool for the job. Well, I find nothing that suites my need. I time-boxed a hour and said F.ck it!. I will code it myself. That's how Hopa was born - a zero config CLI that runs JavaScript and TypeScript. Transpiles, bundles, watches and executes code.
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Part 3: Riew - reactive view in patterns
posted in Riew on 2020-01-06 riew csp routine go javascript channels console log yield krasimir riew https github function state const -
In this article we will see some use cases of Riew. Those are patterns which I found repeating while using the library. There are other blog posts part of the same series and I will suggest checking at least this one so you get a basic understanding before jumping into the code snippets below.
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Part 2: Riew - reactive view basics
posted in Riew on 2020-01-06 riew csp routine go javascript channels channels channel const javascript function ch view console log -
Riew is a library based on communicating sequential processes (CSP). It is made to help with communication and synchronization between your view and business logic. It's distributed as a npm package, it has 0 dependencies and adds ~8KBs (gzip) to your application on production.
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Part 1: We need channels! A gentle introduction to communicating sequential processes.
posted in Riew on 2020-01-06 riew csp routine go javascript channels put javascript fibonacci index function return pattern fibonacci number -
CSP is a formal language for describing patterns of interaction in concurrent systems. It's used in Go, Crystal, Clojure's core.async and a couple of other places. The idea in its core is nothing so complicated but it offers some interesting capabilities. Surprisingly enough it is not really popular in JavaScript. Recently I'm exploring this pattern and here are my findings.
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Reactive view - the concept
posted in Riew on 2020-01-04 riew csp routine go javascript channels kitty ch const function view https react redux -
Something bugs me last couple of years. I'm using React for some time now and there is always this doubt if I'm placing the business logic on the right place. I'm trying to be pragmatic, to follow best practices and listen what the community is saying. However, I still feel that something is not ok. This blog post presents the idea of the reactive view. That is nothing new per se but I came up with this term because it fits well in my idea.
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Bret Victor: Inventing on principle
posted in Inspiration on 2020-01-01 inspiration inventing principle href https vimeo bret victor inventing decade -
I just finished reading My Decade in Review by Dan Abramov and as part of his article he mentions this talk by Bret Victor. I think it's amazing and want to keep a reference to it somewhere. What a better place than this 12 years old blog.
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NADCAST.23 с Яни и Ния
posted in NADCAST on 2019-12-10 nadcast influencer.bg remoteit world https https influencer bg world https influencer remoteit world https https remoteit world -
Епизод 23 на малко позабравения NADCAST е тук. Този път гости ми бяха Яни (https://remoteit.world/) и Ния (https://influencer.bg/). Поговорихме си за маркетинг, брандинг, hiring и работа от разстояние. Приятно слушане.
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