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Smart placeholders in your markdown

posted in JavaScript on 2020-05-06   markdown placeholders template annotation marked contentful https button part content stuff p p seemore const

I ❤️ markdown. I like its simplicity and minimalistic API which is good enough to cover most of needed HTML markup. At least for textual content. At work we have a small node based microservice that delivers data from Contentful in exactly markdown format. It's all working well but we started having cases where part of the text is in Contentful and the other part is in that microservice. For example when we have a button with a catchy design. We want to content manage the label of the button but the actual markup to be on our side.

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Enforce standards while submitting a pull request

posted in JavaScript on 2015-11-29   template textarea javascript bookmarklet n n template var code pull request

GitHub’s pull requests are an important part of my/our development process. That’s why I was thinking about creating a template that will enforce the standards.

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JavaScript template engine in just 20 lines

posted in JavaScript on 2013-12-01   javascript template engine

I'm still working on my JavaScript based preprocessor - AbsurdJS. It started as a CSS preprocessor, but later it was expanded to CSS/HTML preprocessor. Shortly, it allows JavaScript to CSS/HTML conversion. Of course, because it generates HTML it was normal to act as a template engine. I.e. somehow to fill the markup with data.

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