Using Mocha with ES6 spec files
posted in JavaScript on 2015-12-23 mocha babel es6 package json file es5 babel preset es2015 tests test results javascript mocha reading spec files written -
The new ES6 specification of JavaScript simply works better for me. It helps expressing my ideas in a shorter and cleaner way. So, I want to write ES6 everywhere. Even while I’m testing my applications.
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A bad side effect of the aspect oriented programming
posted in JavaScript on 2013-08-15 thing result function thing prototype dosomething start prototype dosomething function aspect oriented programming problem original class -
I just read this very interesting article published on know.cujojs.com. It's about aspect oriented programming. At the beginning I thought "Oh, that's kinda cool", but when I start thinking about how I'll use it in practice I notice something bad. The blog post itself is well written and informative, but doesn't include any cons of the used technique.
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Extending Jasmine (BDD framework for testing)
posted in JavaScript on 2013-07-05 function jasmine htmlreporter spec reporter jasmineenv test prototype -
Don't get me wrong, Jasmine is a wonderful framework. I'm using it for testing JavaScript in both places - front-end (in browser) and back-end (Nodejs). However, the client side has some disadvantages, which I just fixed. I hope that someday these changes will be moved to the official version (or at least I'll make a pull request very soon).
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CSS: selecting a specific child
posted in Other on 2011-01-05 span css main span specific child style set -
The selectors are one of the most powerful features in CSS. Sometimes they can save you a lot of additional work. In this article I'll show you how to set the style of a specific child in a list of elements.
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Apple App Store Opens its Doors to Adobe Flash
posted in Other on 2010-09-14 flash devices twitter lit ios devices twitter party development tools 3rd party development apple announce removal active tutsplus full article speculation began blogosphere jumped -
_"Yesterday saw Apple announce removal of the infamous restrictions on 3rd party development tools for iOS devices. Twitter lit up, the blogosphere jumped into gear and speculation began in earnest. So what’s this all about and what does it mean for Flash?"_The full article on active.tutsplus.com here.
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SVET - web based project management system
posted in Other on 2010-01-05 project management system based project management web based project svet make detailed reports specific period working time online notebook work basically -
read moreFinally I finished some bugs of my own project management system and I think it's ready for use. SVET is one of my biggest projects and it's a web based project management system, that helps you to organize your work. Basically it's an online notebook which you can use to store the information for your projects. It enables you to track your working time and communicate with your team and clients. You can also make detailed reports of what you've done for a specific period of time. Please check out here.
posted in Inspiration on 2008-09-15 filmefex studio picture industry check motion picture industry special effects facility create effects design -
read moreFilmefex Studio is a special effects facility, where they design and create effects for the motion picture industry. Check out here