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Email not working after DNS change

posted in Architecture on 2020-02-07   email dns not working zeit domain working google mx record mail server services thing

I just recently moved my domain to Zeit name servers. That's my 13 years old domain which I'm not using it anymore. It makes sense to point to The thing is that I have an email which is used all over the net. I of course want to keep that email. And suddenly I wasn't able to receive messages to it. I started missing some very important emails. Like bills that have to be paid and GitHub notifications.

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Dependency injection in JavaScript

posted in JavaScript on 2014-01-06   function var dependencies router service scope arguments deps dosomething

I like the quote that the programming is all about managing complexity. Maybe you've heard that the computer world is a giant construction of abstractions. We simply wrap things and produce new tools over and over again. Just think for a minute. The languages which you use have build-in functionalities and they are probably abstracted functions of other low level operations. It's the same with JavaScript.

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