NADCAST.24 с Радо Станков
posted in NADCAST on 2020-03-26 nadcast remote productivity work tips home working remotely separation https rstankov biz 24_radostankov mp3 cbox biz 24_radostankov host003 cbox biz ws host003 cbox outset ws host003 nadcast outset ws http nadcast outset mp3 http nadcast -
В тези смутни времена се чуваме online с Радо Станков за да си поговорим за remote working. Не че по принцип не се чуваме така, но сега е малко по-различно. В този 24-ти епизод споделяме нашия опит в работа от разстояние. Приятно слушане.
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The power of inherit or how to animate pseudo elements
posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-27 box inherit pseudo background position 15px left div doesn t top move text -
Luckily, I have time to watch screencasts from various conferences. Last few weeks I'm watching videos from Fronteers2012. They are all great and it worths checking out. However, there is something which I found really interesting. It's about animating pseudo elements.
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SASS mixin for grid generation
posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-20 div wrapper grid sizing border box box sizing border columns mixin div div width sass -
The mixins in SASS are really helpful. Here is something really short which I just start using. It's a mixin which I apply on the grid's container.
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CSS Challenge #2: Layouting
posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-03 layout width text sizing border box box sizing border padding image float left layout c layout b -
The first challenge, was something which I was thinking about a lot these days. The next one is actually a well known common task, but it is still difficult. In every project we have different types of layouts. Of course there are some patterns. The idea today is to implement them with pure CSS.
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Security sandbox violation error even with crossdomain.xml
posted in ActionScript on 2013-06-26 http file security sandbox violation -
Again, a very nice surprise by Adobe. I have a flex application which makes cross-domain requests to another server holding REST API. There is a crossdomain.xml file, but the request still doesn't work.
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How to use the Chatwing chat software with ease
posted in Other on 2013-06-25 chatwing chat time tool favourite chat box chatwing chat software website things internet world -
That's a guest blog post provided by Chatwing.
The cinemas will be filled with new movies again and I will be expecting more honest reviews from film buffs and wannabes from different parts of the world. Well, one can say that there are always new stuff in the Internet—new trend, new meme, new films, and new books. Everything becomes old in the Internet so fast. Along with these new things, my favourite chat box has started launching new updates. Wait—what is my favourite chat box?
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