PHP: please, please, clear my cookies
posted in PHP on 2013-10-31 time cookies result arr setcookie request_ids time setcookie app_request_type time store needed -
I'm currently working on a JavaScript application which is using the facebook API. There are some things which I need to pass from one page to the other. So, I decided to use cookies. The storing works like a charm, but the deleting doesn't. I needed one hour to find the exact problem.
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JavaScript: dependency free extend method
posted in JavaScript on 2013-10-28 extend var function o prop destination tobedefined expect o address bla bla -
While I worked on AbsurdJS I needed a function which accepts numerous objects and combines their properties. I.e. something like the _.extend method of UnderscoreJS. What I did is actually to use one more dependency just because of such method. John-David Dalton nicely pointed out my mistake and added a simple function which solved the problem. I change it a bit and now it acts as UnderscoreJS's version.
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JSConf EU 2013
posted in Must-see on 2013-10-12 jsconf eu -
An amazing talks from JSConf EU this year.
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Videos from TarnovoConf 2013
posted in Must-see on 2013-10-08 tarnovoconf videos -
I had a chance to make a talk on TarnovoConf 2013. My topic was "CSS for developers". The videos are now available in YouTube.
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Git error: cannot lock existing info/refs
posted in Architecture on 2013-10-02 existing info refs lock existing info console -
I just messed up my local repository. Thankfully there was an answer in StackOverflow.
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Select drop-down broken under Firefox
posted in CSS3 on 2013-09-27 element firefox -
Firefox has problems if you use
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JavaScript challenge: queue implementation
posted in JavaScript on 2013-09-24 function queue item var api queueelements flags delay return api queue function -
I'm currently working on an animation-heavy web application. There are long chains of CSS transitions/animations, which I have to do. I wrote this little library, because I needed something lightweight with minimalistic API. I think that it deserves its own repository and I created one.
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Auxilio Chrome extension or how I boost my productivity
posted in Must-see on 2013-09-04 auxilio function command callback browser current extension page github -
I'll be honest and I'll say that I'm a bit lazy sometimes. I'm one of those developers which don't like to repeat same actions again and again. There are dozen of things which I have to do while working on a project. Very often I'm covering the development of several applications and have to switch between them. It's really annoying process. I hate to have many opened tabs in my browser, many consoles or several code editors. I always try to improve my productivity by automating tasks. I think that even switching between opened applications takes too much time.
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JavaScript: creating class based on object
posted in JavaScript on 2013-08-31 object function var return ob2 ob1 create obj return function function obj return -
I'm very happy visiting Stackoverflow more often then Facebook these days. Today I landed on this question. I'm not sure that I understand the real context of the situation, but I found something helpful, which may be useful for you. What if we have an object and want to use it as a base for JavaScript class (i.e. function). The idea is to create instances and basically extend the original object.
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SASS: interpolation in a name of variable
posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-29 bg background color interpolation header include set variable sass set styles dark include set styles arg header include bg arg header -
I just answered on that question at StackOverflow. That's actually asked a lot last few months.
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