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A journey into software development with Lea Verou

posted in Inspiration on 2020-06-05   lea verou journey software development

Lea Verou, known in the community as the "Queen of CSS", shares her personal story about how she became a web developer. She discusses how her passion for computers began in her childhood and her dream of living outside Greece.

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How to use the Chatwing chat software with ease

posted in Other on 2013-06-25   chatwing chat time tool favourite chat box chatwing chat software website things internet world

That's a guest blog post provided by Chatwing.

The cinemas will be filled with new movies again and I will be expecting more honest reviews from film buffs and wannabes from different parts of the world. Well, one can say that there are always new stuff in the Internet—new trend, new meme, new films, and new books. Everything becomes old in the Internet so fast. Along with these new things, my favourite chat box has started launching new updates. Wait—what is my favourite chat box?

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The Principles of Agile Development

posted in Architecture on 2012-07-10   agile development principles http net tutsplus sides http net fun developing software agile development agile articles general communication easy business people constructive

Agile or Agile Development – we hear these words more often these days. But do we really know what it is all about? How can it help us become more effective, while having lots of fun developing software? How can we use it to communicate with business people and make this communication easy and constructive for both sides?

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The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

posted in Architecture on 2012-01-03   principle responsibility class responsibility principle srp single responsibility principle software design read hard changing motive opinion fundamentals

In my opinion that principle is really important and stays in the fundamentals of software design._In the context of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) we define a responsibility to be "a reason for change." If you can think of more than one motive for changing a class, then that class has more than one responsibility. This is sometimes hard to see._Read more about this principle here.

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The Open-Closed Principle

posted in Architecture on 2011-12-18   principle classes modules functions entities classes modules software entities classes called open closed robert c martin great article modification extension

That's a great article by Robert C. Martin. It's one of those articles that really may change something in your programming. The principle is called Open-Closed and it says:_SOFTWARE ENTITIES (CLASSES, MODULES, FUNCTIONS, ETC.) SHOULD BE OPEN FOR EXTENSION, BUT CLOSED FOR MODIFICATION._More about that here.

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