PHP: Simple javascript obfuscator (merging files)
Currently I'm working on a big JavaScript project. It has a lot of files that have to be compressed. I wrote a simple php class that merges all the files into one. It has also a useful simple obfuscator method.
The php class:
class JSComposer {
function run($files, $output) {
$numOfFiles = count($files);
$jsStr = "";
for ($i = 0; $i < $numOfFiles; $i++) {
$file = $files[$i];
$fh = @fopen($file, "r");
if (!$fh) {
die("Composer: error reading file '".$file.
} else {
$jsStr. = fread($fh, filesize($file));
$fh = fopen($output, 'w') or die("Composer: unable to write !!!");
fwrite($fh, $this - > filterResult($jsStr));
function filterResult($jsStr) {
$jsStr = preg_replace('~[^"\\'\\ (] // ([^\\r\\n]*)[^"\\'\\)]~', '/*$1 */', $jsStr);
$jsStr = str_replace("\\r", "", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace("\\n", "", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace("\\t", "", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" = ", "=", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(") {", "){", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" ( ", "(", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" ) ", ")", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace("; ", ";", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace("if ", "if", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace("for ", "for", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" >= ", ">=", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" + ", "+", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" - ", "-", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" * ", "*", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" / ", "/", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" || ", "||", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" && ", "&&", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace("try ", "try", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(", ", ",", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" == ", "==", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" != ", "!=", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(": ", ":", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" ", "", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" ", "", $jsStr); $jsStr = str_replace(" ", "", $jsStr); return $jsStr; }}
And the usage:
$files = array("js/Application.js", "js/core/plugins/json2.js", "js/core/plugins/GoogleMaps.js", "js/core/plugins/jquery-1.4.4.min.js");
$composer = new JSComposer();
$composer - > run($files, "js/packed.js");
P.S.the obfuscator method converts short comments (//...) to long comments (/*...*/). If you have a url like "" the script will also recognize it as a comment. That's why it's better to write your comment like that:
// my comment here
//my comment here
So just add one more interval after "//".