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SASS: differences between mixins, extends and placeholders

posted in CSS3 on 2013-08-05   awesome width height mixin body placeholders radius css sass extend awesome

I used LESS a lot. These days I decided to try SASS and to be honest it's a better choice for CSS preprocessor. It just gives me more functionalities and better control on my code. There are few instruments for architecting your CSS logic - @mixin, @extend and placeholders. However there are differences between them and specific use cases.

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AS3: dynamic text field to curve (TextField on an arcing path)

posted in ActionScript on 2011-05-04   text var curvedtext textformat number radius tf direction endangle startangle

[2]Most of the articles here are tightly connected to my daily work. As you probably know from one of my latest posts (runtime font loading/embedding) I worked a lot with texts these days. There was a request for producing curved text from a dynamic field. Of course it wasn't so easy to create such a feature. I wrote a simple class that did the job and I decided to share it.

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